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New data collected by citizens: Cigarette butts and filters the most common pieces of litter on Europe’s beaches
News 08 Jun 2018The European Environment Agency (EEA) has released new data about litter found on Europe’s beaches. Based on nearly 700,000 collected items, disposable plastics are the biggest contributor to marine litter, with cigarette butts and filters being the most commonly found individual items. The new data has been collected by volunteers using the EEA’s Marine LitterWatch mobile app.
The number of users of the joint European Environment Agency (EEA) – European Commission Climate-ADAPT online knowledge hub has increased fivefold since its launch in 2012, according to an EEA report published today. The assessment confirms the increasing value of the web platform for users such as policy makers, city planners, and other experts who are looking to share and make use of information and best practices in adapting to climate change.
Videos sent from Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, and Spain won the prizes of the ‘I LIVE GREEN’ video competition announced today. The competition, organised by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and its partner network, attracted more 120 entries from 21 European countries.
Small cut in EU's total greenhouse gas emissions in 2016 but transport emissions keep increasing
News 31 May 2018Total greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union (EU) decreased by 0.4 % in 2016, according to latest official data published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). Using less coal to produce heat and electricity was enough to make a slight cut in total emissions despite an increase in transport emissions for the third consecutive year.
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Europe collects increasingly more data, enhancing our understanding of the environment. Earth observation data obtained through the European Union’s Copernicus programme presents new challenges and opportunities to improve our environmental knowledge. Combining up-to-date Copernicus data with our existing knowledge base, the European Environment Agency (EEA) aims to empower policy makers and citizens across Europe in taking measures to address local, national and global challenges.
The European Environment Agency (EEA) recently published its annual Transport and Environment Reporting Mechanism (TERM) report, which this year focused on aviation and shipping. The two sectors are growing rapidly, which also has an impact on the environment, notably emissions. We asked Anke Lükewille, EEA expert on air pollution, to explain the key points of this year’s TERM report.
Thanks to legislation, technology and moves away from heavily polluting fossil fuels in many countries, Europe’s air quality has been improving in recent decades. However, many people continue to be negatively affected by air pollution, especially in cities. Given its complexity, tackling air pollution requires taking coordinated action at many levels. To get citizens involved, providing them timely information in an accessible way is essential. Our recently launched Air Quality Index does just that. Improvements in air quality would not only benefit our health, but could also help tackle climate change.
The European Union (EU) has committed to several climate and energy targets which aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve energy efficiency and boost the use of renewable energy sources. How does the EEA track the progress EU Member States are making in reaching these goals? We asked Melanie Sporer, EEA expert on climate change mitigation and energy, to explain the Agency’s role in this task. She has also explained the annual progress in the latest Trends and Projections report.
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Marine Litter Watch - Citizens collect plastic and data to protect Europe's marine environment
Publication 08 Jun 2018This briefing highlights the work and results of the Marine Litter Watch clean-up activities held on the beaches of Europe’s four regional seas (the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and the North-East Atlantic Ocean) between 2014 and 2017. It also presents the top ten litter items found and attempts to link them to the most likely litter sources.
This report provides an evaluation on how the growing knowledge on adaptation in Europe has been captured and how it is presented on the web-based European Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate-ADAPT) and shared across Europe.
Annual European Union greenhouse gas inventory 1990–2016 and inventory report 2018
Publication 31 May 2018Submission to the UNFCCC Secretariat
Official data for 2016 confirm the long-term reduction in greenhouse gas emissions across Europe. This briefing describes the key trends in EU greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, based on national submissions under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It also includes an analysis of the main drivers underpinning these trends.
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Europe collects increasingly more data, enhancing our understanding of the environment. Earth observation data obtained through the European Union’s Copernicus programme presents new challenges and ...
The precautionary principle in sustainability transitions: thinking forwards, looking backwards, acting
Central European University & EEAcademy Summer SchoolEvent: June 28 – July 4, 2018, Budapest, Hungary
Register here (Deadline for registration 15 April 2018)
Blue Growth: can marine environment support growth maintaining good ocean health?
AZTI & EEAcademy Summer SchoolEvent: 5 - 7 June, 2018, San Sebastián, Spain
Register here (Deadline for registration 28 May 2018)