
Twitter Audience Platform (TAP)

The Twitter Audience Platform (TAP) is a network where advertisers can expand the reach of their campaigns beyond Twitter through devices served by MoPub. Conversion tracking on TAP through the API works much like Twitter conversion tracking does. For Twitter Mobile Measurement partners, attribution will be reported in API responses for both the read and write conversion event endpoints in the tpn_attribution object of a response. To measure conversions for Mobile App Promotion campaigns running on TAP the setup is identical to that of native Twitter campaigns.

Feature support

Mobile measurement partners should provide reporting that distinguishes when conversions come from TAP vs native Twitter campaigns. It should also be noted that advertisers will have the ability to run a single campaign across both networks. The same feature support should exist across both networks. For example, if view through conversions are supported on Twitter then they should be supported on TAP as well.

Dual Channel Attribution

Twitter and TAP are treated as two separate networks, therefore dual-channel attribution is possible across the two. This means that a single response from the API could contain both Twitter and TAP attribution with one being assisted of the other. The response object can be examined to determine which campaign assisted the other by comparing the engagement_time field from both the tpn_attribution and twitter_attribution blocks.

Example Response Objects

TAP only attribution.

      "campaign_id”: “54a21",

Twitter engagement attribution with TAP assisted view attribution.

      "campaign_id”: “54a21",
      "campaign_name":"Vine_Contest Twitter",
      "campaign_id”: “54a22",
      "campaign_name":"Vine_Contest TAP",