CIA Gina Haspell  


Twitter is Leftist tyranny. Owned and operated by anti-Semites and bigots. Save yourself:

Langley Falls, VA
Beigetreten Mai 2018
Geboren 11. September


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    22. Nov.

    A bridge too far. Do not listen to the propagandists. Do not suffer the purge quietly. Better an excess of Liberty on than the tyranny of Twitter. Create your Gab account. Abandon . Abandon . This is my final thread/post.

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  2. hat retweetet
    27. Nov.

    ⏭The House Energy & Commerce Committee, which has jurisdiction over telecommunications companies like Twitter, is now reviewing whether Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey provided false testimony before the committee in Sept Let’s see where this takes us!⏮

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  3. hat retweetet
    27. Nov.
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  4. hat retweetet
    26. Nov.

    Twitter verified this racist *after* all of her racist tweets were discovered and turned into a major national news story. But if you are conservative and you state basic scientific facts, Twitter will ban you.

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  5. hat retweetet
    26. Nov.

    My friend @Instapundit deactivated his account after Twitter corporate’s reaction to, and treatment of, so very many innocuous conservative accounts:

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  6. 26. Nov.

    Addendum: I will only participate in Twitter to retweet when conservative voices are silenced via ’s censorship. That is all.

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  7. hat retweetet
    26. Nov.

    Once upon a time there was a mega monopoly in the tech industry. Conservabros were all like, "Relax dude, free market capitalism will fix it."—It did not and liberals took over the world. The End.

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  8. hat retweetet
    26. Nov.
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  9. hat retweetet
    26. Nov.
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  10. hat retweetet
    26. Nov.


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  11. 22. Nov.

    And so I will bid you all a farewell from this cancerous, poisonous, no-good, low-down, purulent, festering crap sack known as “Twitter”, & I hope to see you all make your voices heard on Gab. Delete your Twitters. Delete your Facebooks. Set yourselves free. E pluribus Unum.

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  12. 22. Nov.

    Laura Loomer: banned for her insistence on calling out the rampant corruption and anti-Semitism of the Left. Anthony Cumia: a man who created an entire media outlet to allow people a forum. Thomas Wictor, Tommy Robinson, & so many others it’s sickening.

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  13. 22. Nov.

    Voice like Milo Yiannopoulos: a gay immigrant Jew in an interracial marriage... because of his conservative bent. Gavin McInnes: Immigrant, married to a Native American, founder of a diverse group of Proud Boys who’s “crime” is believing that Western Ideology is the best.

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  14. 22. Nov.

    Just look at who has censored and who they have not: Violent Leftist groups like ANTIFA, ISIS, Communist Revolutionaries, Sharia proponents, and other poisonous ideologies are all given their soapbox. But anyone who disagrees is shadowbanned or banned outright.

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  15. 22. Nov.

    So get on Gab. Promote your ideas. Listen to others. Judge for yourself. Make it “yours”. It is essential to our liberty that we are free to see and hear and think things that are absolutely not politically correct.

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  16. 22. Nov.

    The major criticism of has been that it gives a voice to “extremists”. While there are some who use the platform for distasteful or even hateful speech, it is this very openness which allows one to challenge their convictions... to grow through debate. Silence is death.

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  17. 22. Nov.
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  18. 22. Nov.

    You keep using that word... I do not think it means what you think it means.

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  19. 22. Nov.
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  20. 22. Nov.
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