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Iscritto a maggio 2017


Hai bloccato @Doozy_45

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  1. Corbyn wants Brexit. But he does not want his fingerprints on it. He wants to ride in on a white charger to rescue post-Brexit Britain from its horrors. But he is the chief obstacle to the best future for the UK , which is to be in the EU. He is Theresa May’s chief helper.

  2. 12 ore fa

    This is Hard brexit Tory MP for Ribble Valley, he's seems unaware that his duty as an MP is to act in the interests of the country, and to act in the interests of ALL of his constituents. As for standards of conduct, calling people 'cretins"

  3. 15 ore fa

    The first thing to note is that Norway does not see itself as a passive recipient of EU rules. “Through the EEA and Schengen agreements, we have found solutions that safeguard Norwegian interests.”

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  4. 7 ore fa

    Hat tip for pointing this my way... interesting thread here:

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  5. 7 ore fa

    Norwegian Government releases its European policy document, which at times reads like an invitation to UK to join EEA, at others warns UK/EU that any special access cooked up for post Brexit UK as third country, must be matched for Norway...

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  6. 7 ore fa

    BREXIT: Anti-Brexit tycoon says second referendum could save UK from ‘immense damage’ /

  7. 7 ore fa
  8. 21 ore fa

    WATCH - The Moment Van Driver Who Went Viral Takes On Jacob Rees-Mogg On Customs Union 👏 /

  9. 7 ore fa

    First Minister is correct - existing constitutional relations allow Tory loons to lead whole UK into economic abyss. Political insanity

  10. 8 ore fa

    This is the real cheap green energy of the future and it looks like the UK is crashing out of it.

  11. 7 ore fa
    In risposta a

    Does this suggest that Political Donors feel they have power over that party? Jeremy Hosking only gave £375k & thinks he has control of the Tories but what real power does the Russian millions buy especially as Rees-Mogg has so much invested in Russia?

  12. 8 ore fa
  13. 8 ore fa
    In risposta a

    A lot farmers voted for Brexit Now they want exemptions They must be f*ck*ng mad

  14. 8 ore fa
  15. 8 ore fa
  16. 8 ore fa

    Fuck, There are days when I really wonder what's happening. This is one of them.

  17. 13 ore fa

    BREXIT CHAOS: Not enough time for tech customs solution to Brexit - Aston Martin /

  18. 13 ore fa
  19. 12 ore fa
  20. 12 ore fa

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