Workers’ control in the building industry after World War One

June 2nd: James Lynch considers the brief period in 1918-1921 when British construction workers successfully took parts of the industry into the worker-controlled National Building Guild.

Pickets as Cuadrilla attempts injunction to ban anti-frack blockades in Lancashire

June 1st: Environmental protectors picketed Manchester Civil Justice Centre yesterday against an attempt by gas fracking company Cuadrilla to impose the latest in a series of chilling injunctions against green direct action.

‘Kurdistan Place’ occupied in central London

May 28th: Kurdish youth and supporters, some linked to Plan C, have occupied a vacant building near Edgware Road.

Cleaners’ Living Wage strike threat takes just 30 hours to beat City bosses

May 26th: The Bank of New York Mellon have given in to the pay demand from Latin American cleaners after a formal claim declaring potential strike action was handed in to their Canary Wharf office.

Calais border update

June 1st: Chiara Lauvergnac reports on the recent events on the Calais border.

European police forces conduct raids across four countries in relation to G20 in Hamburg

May 30th: Coordinated police raids in Italy, Spain, Switzerland and France took place early on Tuesday as part of the German police investigation into riots at the G20 summit in Hamburg last July.

Germany: brutal treatment of arrested antifascists

May 30th: According to a statement issued yesterday by the Rote Hilfe OG Leipzig, a worrying incident occurred last month in Germany.

Manjm: A Palestinian Cultural Space in Haifa is Reclaiming Authentic Artistic Voice

May 27th: Emerging artists, curators, crazy scientists and anyone seeking the exchange of ideas, rockup at this exciting new venue;  a safe haven for experimentation and alternative art.

Ireland: Anarchists on the abortion referendum

May 24th: With the referendum on whether to repeal the Irish constitution’s 8th Amendment taking place tomorrow, Freedom is reproducing this piece by Irish anarchist organisation the WSM explaining their position — and eight reasons why they will be voting Yes.

Too soon, victory for the ZAD led to despair

May 21st: In the 1970s the French government announced its next major airport expansion in Notre-Dame-des-Landes, Nantes.

The dream of ’68 is needed today

May 29th: This month is the 50th anniversary since the events of Paris 1968 — and the ambition of those nights of cobblestone, barricade and teargas is something we must rediscover.

The beloved farmer cries out, but no-one hears…

May 27th: As summer comes around it’s time for Britain’s annual “farmers whinging about labour shortages” article harvest.

Corbyn and the MSM: Thoughts on left-wing media discussions

May 18th: Peter Marshall considers the popular trope that “journalists just lie” against a more structural take on the production of media as propaganda.