
Stand challenges corporations and governments to treat people and the environment with respect, because our lives depend on it.

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Our Impact

  • 21 dirty oil pipelines & train projects delayed or stopped
  • 65 Million acres of forests protected from logging
  • $1 Billion in corporate purchasing shifted to more responsible sources

These incredible results are made possible with help from you. Help us in our efforts to protect our communities, climate and environment from the risks associated with outdated, climate-polluting energy. We are strongest when we stand together.


The Latest

  • Pipeline buyout will haunt Trudeau government; real costs, risks of project remain hidden

    Unceded Coast Salish Territories (VANCOUVER, BC) — Today’s announcement by the federal government of a buyout for the failing Kinder Morgan pipeline and expansion project hides the real costs and risks of the purchase — and leaves Canadian taxpayers on the hook for the cost of construction and any delays to the project. The project still faces immense opposition from BC municipalities, First Nations, additional legal challenges, and ongoing public protests.

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  • Kinder Morgan pipeline remains in jeopardy despite BC Supreme Court decision in Squamish case

    Unceded Coast Salish Territories (Burnaby, BC) — Despite today’s ruling by the British Columbia Supreme Court denying the Squamish Nation’s appeal of the province’s approval of Kinder Morgan’s project, the pipeline still faces immense opposition — from 22 BC municipalities, 150 First Nations who have joined the Treaty Alliance Against Tar Sands Expansion, 17 additional legal challenges, and growing investor uncertainty from ongoing public protests.

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