Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Latest News

Video: Virginia State Senate Voting Now on Historic Medicaid Expansion [UPDATED: All Over But...

See below for key moments in today's Virginia State Senate debate on expanding Medicaid in Virginia, ongoing right now. First, here's the Senate voting 22-18...

Video, Live Blog: Gov. Ralph Northam on WTOP’s “Ask the Governor” [UPDATED: Northam’s Comms...

UPDATE 11:57 am - Holy crap, check out the following exchange on WTOP between Gov. Northam's comms director Brian Coy and the WTOP folks....

Video: John Oliver Talks About “Tronc,” the Company That Just Bought the Virginian-Pilot

You might have read yesterday about the Virginian-Pilot being sold to a company called "Tronc," which also owns the Daily Press. Now this is...

Wednesday News: Hurricane Maria Was Far More Deadly Than We Knew; Maybe “Ambien Tweeting”...

by Lowell Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Wednesday, May 30. Politicians push for July election as Italy...

Video: Sen. Majority Leader Norment STUNNED As Finance Chair Sen. Hanger Rules His Motion...

Lots of drama in Virginia's Senate Finance Committee this afternoon (yeah - they're baaaaack! LOL). I didn't get video of the beginning of it,...

Video: VA-10 GOP Candidate Blows Up 2018 “Omnibus Bill” with AR-15

It takes some doing to make Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-VA10), who votes 97% of the time with Trump, look non-extreme. But Comstock's hard-right opponent,...

New Report: Virginia Drinking Water Threatened by Atlantic Coast and Mountain Valley Pipelines

From the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC): Report: Virginia Drinking Water Threatened by Atlantic Coast and Mountain Valley Pipelines With new analysis on groundwater threats and...

BREAKING: Rep. Tom Garrett Quits After All; Who Might Replace Him On the Ballot?...

UPDATED Tuesday 12:18 pm: With Rob Bell announcing he's not running, I've got the following as candidates - Del. Michael Webert, Martha Boneta, Jim...

Tuesday News: “Republicans’ inhumanity at the border reveals their grand scam”; Yankees Fans Boo...

by Lowell Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Tuesday, May 29. Also, check out the video of Rudy...

Sorry Dominion: Natural Gas is Not Clean or Cheap Energy

by Todd Smyth Natural gas is not clean, renewable or cheap and Dominion is dooming Virginia to a third-world future of dirty fracked gas pipelines...

Pipeline Bombshell: Even Dominion Energy Says Mountain Valley Pipeline Contractor Is Incompetent

by Jon Sokolow In recent weeks, Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) started tree clearing and ground preparation for its proposed 42-inch, 303-mile fracked natural gas pipeline...

17 Months Into Trump Presidency*, Washington (Com)Post Remains Massively Confused About Truth, Falsehood, What’s...

The Washington (Com)Post remains massively confused about truth, falsehood, and the word "misleading" First they post a headline that "Trump is blaming Democrats" without...

Video: Tree-Sitter “Ink” Comes Down at Little Teel Crossing, Says “What I see is...

UPDATE 11:45 am: See below for another tree sitter and the MVP people acting like...well, the MVP people (and that's not a good thing). The...

Memorial Day News: “Remember service members who gave all”; “Giuliani Admits ‘Spygate’ Is PR”;...

by Lowell Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Memorial Day, May 28, 2018. If you're able to do so...

Pipeline Incident Report Form, CSI Mapping System Made Available for Those Dealing With the...

From Rick Webb, Committee Chair; Pipeline Compliance Surveillance Initiative; Allegheny-Blue Ridge Alliance The Pipeline CSI, a program of the Allegheny-Blue Ridge Alliance (ABRA), has made the following online...

Four More Endorsements for Alexandria City Council: Canek Aguirre, John Chapman, Del Pepper, Mo...

On May 12, I made two endorsements for Alexandria City Council for the Democratic primary on June 12: 1) incumbent Willie Bailey and 2) newcomer Elizabeth Bennett-Parker.  Just a...

Who Cares About Justice? (My Latest Challenge to My Republican Neighbors)

This piece has run as an op/ed in newspapers in my very red congressional district (VA-06). ************************* Justice has been called the most important virtue for...

If Virginia Medicaid Expansion Passes – Hopefully This Week – Who/What Should Get Credit?

It's looking increasingly likely - although of course nothing's over 'til it's over, don't count your chickens before they hatch, etc. - that Virginia...

Sunday News: North Korea Summit Off/On/Who Knows; “Outrage Grows as Horror of Policy to...

by Lowell Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Sunday, May 27. Trump Says North Korea Summit Plans 'Moving...

Legislators Attempt to Ensure Prosecution of Juvenile Sex Offense Cases on Military Bases

SPONSORED CONTENT Military bases can be thought of as islands from a legal standpoint. For the most part, they are in a state and tend...

Video: Fairfax County NAACP Holds VA-10 Forum; All Democrats Attending, Plus Republican Shak Hill…But...

See below for video of the Fairfax County NAACP's VA-10 candidate forum this afternoon. All Democratic candidates - Alison Friedman, Lindsey Davis Stover, Dan...

Video: Reckless Mountain Valley Pipeline Tree Cutters Injure Protester

This is disgraceful and (should be) completely unacceptable. Hello Ralph Northam? Anyone home at the Virginia Governor's Mansion? This is on YOUR watch, dude.

Saturday News: Irish Abortion Ban Repealed; Trump Orders Rollback of Civil Service Protections; Weinstein...

by Lowell Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Saturday, May 26. Exit polls suggest Ireland has voted to...

Dominion Shows Its Corrupt Colors Yet Again, This Time in Hit Piece Against Clean...

So totally hypothetically, let's just say you lived in a state where it was legal for an ostensibly state-regulated monopoly to de facto buy...

“Rep. Tom Garrett and his wife made staffers pick up groceries, clothes — even...

Smart of the Leslie Cockburn for Congress campaign (see their email below) to pounce on the latest story about batshit-crazy Rep. Tom Garrett (R-VA05), who...

Video, Photos: Here’s How Ralph Northam’s Promise to Be “Environmentally Responsible” Is Working Out...

As a candidate for governor last year, Ralph Northam promised repeatedly (e.g., see here for video from a September 2017 debate with Ed Gillespie)...

Friday News: “You Can’t Break Up With Me, Trump Tells Kim Jong-un, I Broke...

by Lowell Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Friday, May 25. Trump’s decision to cancel summit renews fears...

Video: Jennifer Wexton Releases TV Ad That “Proudly Sounds Like Democrats, Promotes Democratic Values”

I just got a press release on Sen. Jennifer Wexton's first TV ad (see below) in her VA-10 Congressional campaign. I'm currently thinking through...

VA House Dem Leader Toscano: “House Democrats are looking forward to the end of...

From Virginia House Democratic Leader Del. David Toscano: Senate Goes To Richmond, But No Budget Vote May 23, 2018 I was planning to be driving to Richmond...

VA-10 Democratic Candidate Paul Pelletier Demands DoJ Launch Criminal Probe Into NRA Finances

Good stuff from the Paul Pelletier for Congress (VA-10) campaign. As Pelletier says, "The American people deserve to know the truth about whether the...
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