The Anxiety Man


Sharing insight from my experience with depression/anxiety.

Toronto, Ontario




  1. 固定されたツイート

    Depression can be extreme. Some of us have to dig deep to make it through each passing hour. If this is you - keep going. If all you can do is make it through the next hour - keep doing that. You will find peace. There is an answer.

  2. 4月10日

    Each minute feels like an unbearable day; regular things become unmanageable obstacles; words aren't readily available for conversation; enjoyment isn't a thing. Depression is the greatest fight many of us will go through. Understand it is a real struggle.

  3. 4月7日

    Seek professional help if you are struggling with anxiety/depression - it can and will get much worse. Don't wait. Do it now. Much love.

  4. 4月2日

    "No matter how far out we look, the most far out thing we've found is right here between our ears." - One Strange Rock (documentary)

  5. 4月1日

    To all who haven't experienced depression: IT IS BLOODY DIFFICULT.

  6. 3月30日

    The ONE THING that made me optimistic in my lowest points of depression was hearing stories of those who got BETTER. Gravitate towards positivity. Fuel your mind with optimism when it can't create it. You WILL get control. ❤

  7. 3月30日

    Exercise and meditation should be, in my opinion and from my experience, the root of any anxiety/depression recovery regime. Consistency is paramount in these great practices. Much love.

  8. 3月14日

    You may not get credit for battling depression/anxiety, but know that everyone who has been where you are now see's how strong you are. ♥️

  9. 3月14日

    I do not know exactly how you experience depression or anxiety. We all experience it differently. I can share insight gained from my experiences and describe in detail what it was like. That's what I wanted when I was low - someone who told me what it was like for them.

  10. 3月11日

    In my darkest hours, I'd read statistics about the percentage of people struggling with depression/anxiety. Strangely, it made me feel even worse. I simply couldnt imagine anyone feeling the way I did. I didn't believe there were so many others like me.

  11. 2月28日

    Those of us who have had a glimpse into what it feels like to live with mental health, know how indescribably difficult it is. You are all an inspiration. You are important and you are loved. ♥️

  12. 2月28日

    Only in darkness do we gain access to the well of light within.

  13. 2月28日

    Anxiety is many things... including treatable. Never lose sight of this - no matter how awful you feel right now. There is a way. You will have clarity again.

  14. 2月27日

    I cried hysterically throughout the day; lay in bed looking at the seconds go by on the clock praying the day would end so I could be released from the nightmare. The reality of depression is dark. It is indescribably difficult. Have empathy.

  15. 2月23日

    It's fascinating how similar we all are when we start allowing others in. It's easy to find differences, it takes courage to see the many similarities.

  16. 2月18日

    We get absolutely encompassed in negativity when we are depressed. So much, that we fail to see how much strength it takes to get through each day. You are an incredible person. Courageous and persevering. You will get these symptoms under control.

  17. 2月3日

    Multiple episodes of depression/anxiety tore a hole in my mind; tested my strength and perseverance; crippled my ego and identity; disrupted everything I thought I knew. Most importantly - they woke me up and revealed a deeper, more empathetic side of myself.

  18. 1月29日

    Depression attacks the very things most of us have learned to take for granted: clarity, thinking patterns, thoughts, feelings, enjoyment, and the spark that makes us inspired to act.

  19. 1月28日

    Spotify knows my secret music taste when I'm feeling all weird; YouTube knows what I binge watch at 2 a.m; Google knows all my insecurities... I'm screwed.

  20. 1月27日

    Anxiety creates the worst possible thoughts; we fear them, and they breed into an all-consuming intrusive web. It is a nightmare. I know many of you can relate. Mindfulness meditation allowed me to start seeing the thoughts differently; as passing clouds.

  21. 1月27日

    Everything we watch, listen to, and read about impacts how we think and feel. Are you feeding your brain inspirational, positive stimulus?




