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Trita Parsi May 21
now says Iran entered the JCPOA in bad faith. While head of CIA he testified that Iran was adhering to the and was not cheating. Perhaps Pompeo entered his tenure as Secr of State in bad faith?
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Desert Hawk 🇸🇾 May 18
“The will be working hard to put together a coalition,” [for pushing a war on ] spokeswoman told reporters. The plan is to be detailed on Monday by US Sec of State Mike , in his first major foreign policy address since taking office
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Patrick Selleau May 21
WTF is talking about on CNN.? Saying Iran making its people suffer and against human rights. Iran has better human rights than most countires in middle east. One must live in region to know facts. What an idiot.
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CGTN May 21
says sanctions on could be the "strongest in history"; Iran will be battling to keep its economy alive after the sanctions come into full force
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Rachel Rizzo May 21
's speech today made me think of this excellent 2015 piece. "Even a country as powerful and secure as the United States pays a price when it allows magical thinking to shape national policy."
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John Wight May 21
The Empire has entered its mad dog days. Washington, Tel Aviv and Riyadh, an axis of rogue states, are intent on adding more blood to the ocean they have already spilled in the cause of hegemony.
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Charles Lister May 21
’s speech is stunningly out of step with reality. A long wish list, with a massive means/ends gap -- sound familiar? How will we “crush” the 's armed proxies by pulling out of the & surrendering to , … and … Iran?
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Rouzbeh Parsi May 21
Leaving aside some pure fictional claims about Iran what wants is an Iranian unconditional surrender. Not a policy - just total fantasy.
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Walid Phares May 21
Glad my warnings, concerns and talking points about Iran policies in the Middle East since 2014 were represented in Secretary powerful speech today. It's at last a new strategic regarding the regime
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Patrick Selleau May 21
knows no facts about Iran or the . Yet he is stipulating terms than Iran is expected to follow. Clean your own back years before your look at iran.look at the mess you made in and !!
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Trita Parsi May 21
says he stands with the Iranian people. But 3 things prove otherwise: 1. Killing the 2. The , which targeted Iranians more than any other nationality 3. When ISIS struck terror in Tehran last June, Trump shockingly blamed Iran and let ISIS off the hook
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Harry Leslie Smith May 21
's demands to Iran reminds me too much of America's demands to Saddam Hussein. Be warned war is coming.
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Barbara Plett Usher May 21
demands on : +stop all nuke enrichment +unqualifed access to all sites +end devpt of missile programme +release all US prisoners +end support for all armed grps & regimes In other words: surrender
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Harry Leslie Smith May 21
The long and the short of it is the world needs a regime change in the USA because they are going to lead us into the charnel house of war and it's not for democracy but hegemony.
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Naeem Rahimi ⁦🇮🇷⁩ May 21
& bomb Yemen & blockaded the poor country, backed by , etc & blames for famine in . Isn't this ridiculous?!
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cassandracarolina May 21
swearing-in already bored when the Focus turns to her
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Joyce Karam May 21
Significant: puts UAE nuclear program and potential one in as benchmark to nuclear program in any future deal
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Harry Leslie Smith May 21
Like saudi Arabia in Yemen the Nazis starved the Dutch at the end of the war and blamed it on the allies.
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Stephen Walt May 22
I’m still a bit surprised didn’t demand that Iran agree to open a -branded golf course in Teheran AND pay for the wall with Mexico.
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RT May 21
BREAKING: US to apply ‘strongest sanctions in history’ on (WATCH LIVE)
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