Výsledky vyhľadávania
  1. pred 9 hodinami
  2. pred 13 hodinami

    Roman's Aegean blue eyes creased at the corners, “Please, Vivian? Just this once?” His mesmerizing voice pleaded with her, but there wasn’t an ounce of compulsion in his tone. Roman

  3. pred 14 hodinami

    "The truth is the kindest thing we can give folks in the end." ~ Harriet Beecher Stowe ☄️

  4. pred 14 hodinami

    KING UNVEILED When the carefully woven tapestry of lies covering Bria’s life begins to unravel, David is at the center. Only he can’t tell her why. And Jon won’t. The truth, it seems, doesn’t always set you free.

  5. pred 22 hodinami

    🔪 Dare you walk hand in hand with a psychopathic killer? Told 100% through the killers eyes You will feel her desire Her need to kill A heart racing read

  6. 5. 12.

    Full of suspense, humor, romance, and relatable characters; The Hallie James Mysteries will keep you entertained!

  7. 5. 12.
  8. 4. 12.
  9. 4. 12.

    Feeling curious, Shaz asked why there were no more Magic Vodka Wardrobes. “IKEA, madam. Flat pack furniture,” replied the crazy Indian fellow. The Magic Vodka Wardrobe: Book 2

  10. 3. 12.
  11. 3. 12.

    5 Stars!! In true fashion: Expect the Unexpected - 🐷 🐷

  12. 2. 12.
  13. 2. 12.

    ...only the language of the is spoken. communicate in telepathic . Time was in the long nights of the elder mountains of this place, and still, all time was present but irrelevant.

  14. 30. 11.

    "Ida Mae was chunky and tough as a Mack Truck. "Do you keep snakes?" "Now why on earth would you ask that?" Get the book.

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