NPI's In Brief

A netroots powered strategy center working to raise America's quality of life through insightful research and imaginative advocacy.

Young people are our future! Niko Battle spoke articulately for lifesaving gun safety laws at the Alliance for Gun Responsibility’s fifth annual luncheon

Packed ballroom for the Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility annual luncheon

Auctioneer and comedian Fred Northup, Jr. invites Alliance for Gun Responsibility luncheon attendees to raise their bid cards

Bid cards in the air were a common sight at today’s luncheon, where The Alliance for Gun Responsibility announced it has secured $3 million to fund its next gun safety initiative

Young people were the featured speakers at today’s fifth annual luncheon for the Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility

Progressives have to speak to those left behind by wrenching economic and social change. But our voices are as authentic, and as worthy, as anyone else’s. I am a real American, too. Deal with it.
— Eugene Robinson:

Flashback to NPI’s 2018 Spring Fundraising Gala: Representatives Tana Senn, Kristine Reeves, and NPI’s Gael Tarleton with NPI Advisory Councilmember Rituja Indapure (Photo: Theresa Curry Almuti/NPI)

Flashback to NPI’s 2018 Spring Fundraising Gala: First Lady Trudi Inslee’s rhubarb pie was a favorite item at the Dessert Dash (Photo: Theresa Curry Almuti/NPI)

Flashback to NPI’s 2018 Spring Fundraising Gala: Master of Ceremonies Darcy Burner with Major General Paul Eaton (Retired), NPI founder Andrew Villeneuve, and NPI President Rick Hegdahl (Photo: Theresa Curry Almuti/NPI)

Trump has overwhelmed the news industry, exhausting capacity and journalists alike. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt has been the subject of more legitimate corruption stories in the past couple months than eight years of President Barack Obama’s full cabinet combined. Pruitt’s ethics scandals demand so much attention that reports on his toxic influence on U.S. environmental policy are overlooked.

U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell speaks on behalf of State Senator Manka Dhingra

U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell and State Senator Manka Dhingra take a photo with supporters

State Senator Manka Dhingra speaks at her 2018 reelection kickoff in Redmond

@BECU’s David Yonce and Benson Porter listen to member questions and comments at the 2018 Member Summit #WeAreBECU