28 May 2018

“Never again!”
Tens of thousands protest in Berlin against far-right AfD

By our correspondents, 28 May 2018

Demonstrators said they were disgusted by the fascistic tirade, delivered to the German parliament by AfD leader Alice Weidel, against “Muslim migrants.”

US Border Patrol agent executes Guatemalan woman

By Alec Andersen, 28 May 2018

The summary execution of Claudia Gonzalez comes amid a sharp escalation in the Trump administration’s campaign of terror against immigrant communities.

US government admits to losing track of nearly 1,500 immigrant children in sponsor homes

By Kevin Mitchell, 28 May 2018

To add further insult, officials insisted that they were not “legally responsible” for the missing children.

The nightmare inside America’s child immigrant jails

More on North American immigrant issues »

French rail workers demonstrate after voting against Macron’s privatization

By Alex Lantier, 28 May 2018

A class gulf separates growing working class militancy from the unions’ attempts to negotiate a deal with President Macron’s anti-worker government.

“Human Wave” rallies protest austerity in France

By our reporters, 28 May 2018

The protests took place in nearly 200 cities, according to protest organizers, with 250,000 people participating across France.

Ireland votes to repeal anti-abortion amendment

By Steve James, 28 May 2018

The result signals a shift to the left among broad sections of the Irish population.

Plea deal reveals Fiat Chrysler used “sham employment” scheme to pay off UAW negotiators

By Jerry White, 28 May 2018

Another former Fiat Chrysler executive pleads guilty in the corruption scandal engulfing the United Auto Workers union.

Truckers strike brings Brazil to brink of collapse

By Gabriel Lemos, 28 May 2018

The Temer government has granted authority to the military to exercise police powers throughout the country, in a bid to break the strike.

Workers’ unrest in the Netherlands

By Harm Waling, 28 May 2018

Teachers in Dutch elementary schools will strike in the southern provinces on May 30, part of a growing wave of strike actions in the Netherlands.

War danger remains despite North and South Korean leaders holding second summit

By Ben McGrath, 28 May 2018

Trump’s cancellation of his summit with Kim was designed to wring further concessions from Pyongyang, while sending a warning to China.

Bipartisan hostility to Trump deal on Chinese telecom firm ZTE

By Nick Beams, 28 May 2018

Moves are underway in the US Congress, supported by leading Republicans and Democrats, to extend bans on Chinese telecos regarded as a threat to “national security.”

Louisiana teachers support strike for wage increase

By J. L’Heureau, 28 May 2018

The union is seeking to prevent a walkout and has warned that teachers may “take action sooner than we predict.”

President Trump signs executive orders attacking federal employees

By Nick Barrickman, 28 May 2018

Civilian employment within the federal workforce has dropped to 2.7 million—less than during the 1960s, due to multiple bipartisan cutbacks since then.

Australia’s spy chief demands passage of “foreign interference” bills

By Mike Head, 28 May 2018

ASIO's Director-General Duncan Lewis is a key figure in the security apparatus, which operates as a “deep state” within ruling circles.

New in French

«Marée humaine»: 250.000 manifestants se mobilisent contre Macron

nos reporters, 28 mai 2018

Des manifestations «Marée humaine» se sont déroulées dans presque 200 villes, selon les chiffres fournis par les organisateurs, avec 80,000 manifestants à Paris.

Le massacre de Tuticorin et l'Inde de Modi

Keith Jones, 28 mai 2018

La barbarie des relations de classe en Inde a été révélée lors du massacre policier le 22 mai de manifestants à Tuticorin dans l‘État du Tamil Nadu, qui exigeaient la fermeture de la fonderie de cuivre responsable pendant des décennies du déversement de substances toxiques.

La richesse des milliardaires croît plus vite en France que dans tout autre pays

Guillaume Garnier et Alex Lantier, 28 mai 2018

Le président Emmanuel Macron casse les salaires et les conditions de travail dans toute la France alors que les treize personnes les plus riches du pays ont engrangé 27,6 milliards de dollars depuis le début de 2018.

Canada: Les libéraux de l’Ontario risquent d’être rayés de la carte aux élections provinciales du 7 juin

Roger Jordan, 28 mai 2018

Le populiste de droite Doug Ford a, pour le moment, été le principal bénéficiaire de la grogne populaire contre les libéraux de l’Ontario, parti propatronal appuyé par les syndicats.

New in Spanish

La masacre de Tuticorin y la India de Modi

Por Keith Jones, 28 mayo 2018

Las barbáricas relaciones de clases en la India contemporánea quedaron a plena vista el martes en Tuticorin, donde la policía masacró a manifestantes que exigían el cierre de una fundición de cobre que ha derramado químicos tóxicos por décadas.

Argentina: policía de Buenos Aires ataca a obreros del transporte

Por Rafael Azul, 28 mayo 2018

Las crisis actuales, combinadas con lo que le exija el FMI al Gobierno argentino, le abrirán la puerta a la aceleración de la lucha de clases.

Guerra, propaganda y difamaciones: una entrevista con el profesor Piers Robinson
Primera parte

Por Julie Hyland, 28 mayo 2018

La siguiente es la primera parte de una entrevista en tres partes con el profesor Piers Robinson, un académico de la Universidad de Sheffield y miembro del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Siria, Propaganda y Medios de Comunicación.

Guerra, propaganda y difamaciones: una entrevista con el profesor Piers Robinson
Segunda parte

Por Julie Hyland, 28 mayo 2018

La siguiente es la segunda parte de una entrevista de tres partes con el profesor Piers Robinson, un académico de la Universidad de Sheffield y miembro del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Siria, Propaganda y Medios de Comunicación.

La restauración capitalista en Rusia: un balance histórico
Parte III

Por Clara Weiss, 28 mayo 2018

En esta serie de artículos revisamos las lecciones de la huelga de los mineros soviéticos de 1989 y la restauración capitalista en Rusia.

La restauración capitalista en Rusia: un balance histórico
Parte IV: el Kuzbass de hoy

Por Clara Weiss, 28 mayo 2018

En esta serie de artículos revisamos las lecciones de la huelga de los mineros soviéticos de 1989 y la restauración capitalista en Rusia.

New in German

Das Massaker in Tuticorin wirft ein Schlaglicht auf Indien unter Modi

Keith Jones, 28. Mai 2018

Das Massaker der Polizei an Demonstranten in Tuticorin vom 22. Mai spiegelt die barbarischen Klassenverhältnisse im heutigen Indien wider.

„Nie wieder!“Zehntausende protestieren in Berlin gegen die AfD

unseren Korrespondenten, 28. Mai 2018

Die Zahl der AfD-Gegner überstieg die Zahl der AfD- Demonstranten um ein Vielfaches.

Eltern demonstrieren gegen Kita-Krise in Berlin

unseren Reportern, 28. Mai 2018

Am Samstag demonstrierten mehr als 3.000 Menschen gegen die desaströsen Bedingungen in Berliner Kindertagesstätten und den Mangel an Betreuungsplätzen.

IYSSE stellen neue Website und Veranstaltungsreihe vor

den International Youth and Students for Social Equality, 28. Mai 2018

Im Zentrum der neuen Website steht eine Veranstaltungsreihe zum 200. Geburtstag von Karl Marx an zahlreichen Universitäten und eine neue Grundsatzerklärung.

Spanien: Facebook baut „Wahrheitsministerium“ in Barcelona auf

Alejandro López, 28. Mai 2018

500 neue Mitarbeiter in Barcelona werden mit den 20.000 Zensoren von Facebook zusammenarbeiten, die für die Abteilungen „Security“ und „Moderation“ des Unternehmens tätig sind.

Türkei: Kleinbürgerliche Linke stützt Nato-freundliche Opposition

Halil Celik, 28. Mai 2018

Die pseudolinken Parteien und Organisationen in der Türkei stellen sich im Vorfeld der Wahl hinter die Nato- und EU- freundlichen bürgerlichen Oppositionsparteien.

1968 – Generalstreik und Studentenrevolte in Frankreich
Teil 2: Der Verrat von KPF und CGT

Peter Schwarz, 28. Mai 2018

Vor fünfzig Jahren, im Mai/Juni 1968, brachte ein Generalstreik Frankreich an den Rand der proletarischen Revolution. Diese Serie analysiert die Ereignisse und zieht die politischen Lehren für heute daraus.

Other Languages


For international action to defend Julian Assange!

28 May 2018

The June 17 demonstration in Sydney will demand that the Australian government immediately act to secure Assange’s unconditional freedom and return to Australia.

Earlier Perspectives »

Arts Review

Rapper Kendrick Lamar wins the 2018 Pulitzer Prize for Music

By Hiram Lee, 28 May 2018

Pulitzer’s choice to recognize the rapper cannot be viewed as anything but a nod to identity politics and the Democratic Party.

Before the Fall: German and Austrian Art of the 1930s on view in New York City

By Fred Mazelis, 26 May 2018

Philip Roth and the narrow framework of postwar cultural life

By David Walsh, 24 May 2018

Sri Lankan filmmaker Lester James Peries dies at 99

By Pani Wijesiriwardane and Gamini Karunatileka, 23 May 2018

Corporate: Offensive, pointed satire for a change

By Ed Hightower, 22 May 2018

25 years ago: German neo-Nazis kill five Turkish immigrants in Solingen

On the night of May 28-29, 1993, five members of a Turkish family in Solingen, in the German state of North-Rhine Westphalia, died in a house fire set by a gang of neo-Nazi youth.

More »

50 years ago: Dozens arrested in Poor People’s Campaign

On May 29, 1968, participants in the Poor People’s Campaign marched on the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., to protest a high court ruling that affirmed limits on Indian fishing rights in several rivers of Washington state.

More »

75 years ago: French Committee of National Liberation established

On June 3, 1943, French military forces in North Africa, headed by generals Charles de Gaulle and Henri Giraud, formed the French Committee of National Liberation.

More »


100 years ago: Sixty-nine Sinn Fein leaders deported from Ireland

On May 30, 1918, Edward Shortt, chief secretary for Ireland, announced in the British House of Commons that sixty-nine leaders of the bourgeois nationalist Sinn Fein society had been deported from Ireland for internment in England.

More »


As CEO compensation soars to new heights
Fifty-one million US households cannot afford “survival budget”

By Kate Randall, 26 May 2018

Luxury jewelry retailer Tiffany & Company’s profits surge

The Tuticorin massacre and Modi’s India

By Keith Jones, 26 May 2018

War, propaganda and smears: An interview with Professor Piers Robinson
Part three

By Julie Hyland, 26 May 2018

Julian Assange “in jeopardy” of being forced into UK and US detention

By Mike Head, 25 May 2018

UK meetings against war, lies and censorship: Free Julian Assange!

Northwestern University roundtable discusses regime change in Russia

By Marcus Day and Kristina Betinis, 25 May 2018

Conflicts intensify between Europe and US

By Peter Schwarz, 25 May 2018

Billionaires’ wealth grows faster in France than in any other country

By Guillaume Garnier and Alex Lantier, 25 May 2018

The way forward for French workers
Build rank-and-file committees to oppose Macron’s austerity measures!

Testimony to Grenfell Fire inquiry paints devastating picture of social murder

By Robert Stevens, 24 May 2018

Grenfell Tower fire: BBC Panorama reveals corporate criminality

More on the Grenfell Tower fire »

SEP 2018 Election Campaign

Support the National City teachers! Defend public education!

By Kevin Mitchell—SEP candidate for US Congress in California, 26 May 2018

Teachers in the San Diego community have joined a growing wave of teachers’ strikes taking place nationally.

Oppose Google’s collaboration in US war crimes!

By David Moore—SEP Candidate for Senate in California, 25 May 2018

Workers Struggles

Anger grows as layoff approaches for 1,500 auto workers at Lordstown GM plant

By Samuel Davidson, 26 May 2018

Trump orders “national security” probe into auto industry

Toyota plans massive cost cutting

In wake of recent workplace accidents US autoworkers speak out on safety conditions

More on autoworkers struggles »

Windsor casino workers continue strike following contract rejection

By Shannon Jones, 25 May 2018

Food and hospitality workers at Las Vegas casinos vote to strike

May Day 2018 International Online Rally

May Day 2018 and the bicentenary of the birth of Karl Marx

By David North, 6 May 2018

Opening the ICFI’s International Online Rally on Saturday, May 5, David North, chairman of the international editorial board of the WSWS and national chairman of the Socialist Equality Party (US), spoke on the historical significance of Karl Marx, the founder of scientific socialism, 200 years after his birth.

Arabic translation of “Against imperialism, counterrevolution and war! For a socialist Middle East!”

The following is an Arabic translation of the speech, "Against imperialism, counterrevolution and war! For a socialist Middle East!", delivered to the ICFI’s International Online Rally on May 5 by Johannes Stern, a leading member of the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, the German section of the ICFI, and the World Socialist Web Site editorial board in Germany.

Trotskyism is the Marxism of the 21st Century

By Joseph Kishore, 7 May 2018

May Day 2018

By Joseph Kishore and David North, 1 May 2018

Organizing Resistance to Internet Censorship

Mark Zuckerberg testifies in Brussels as European Union and Facebook intensify internet censorship

By Johannes Stern, 25 May 2018

Amazon providing facial recognition technology to police agencies for mass surveillance

Spain: Facebook to install its “Ministry of Truth” in Barcelona

By Alejandro López, 14 May 2018

For an international coalition to fight Internet censorship
An open letter from the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site to socialist, anti-war, left-wing and progressive websites, organizations and activists

23 January 2018

More on Internet censorship »


Climate scientists warn about “methane time bomb”

By Matthew MacEgan, 23 May 2018

Scientists reveal global warming’s impact on Great Barrier Reef

By Frank Gaglioti, 23 May 2018

Investigative Report

A sweatshop for Victoria’s Secret and Calvin Klein
Sri Lanka: Kilinochchi garment workers denounce harsh working conditions

By R. Sudarshan and Vimal Rasenthiran, 22 May 2018

Mehring Books

New from Mehring Books: Flint: A Crime of Capitalism

22 May 2018

Now available! This pamphlet exposes the social and political forces behind the lead poisoning of the water supply in Flint, which was rooted in the subordination of all aspects of social life to the profit drive of business.

New in Urdu

Urdu translation of WSWS Perspective on bicentenary of Marx’s birth

We are pleased to publish the Urdu translation of the perspective written by WSWS Chairman David North, “The bicentenary of Marx’s birth, socialism and the resurgence of the international class struggle.”

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

Over 100 attend IYSSE meeting at Ruhr-University Bochum in Germany

By our correspondents, 14 May 2018

Internet Censorship and Workers' Struggles

Facebook censors Arizona educators’ rank-and-file committee group

By Jerry White, 7 May 2018

Facebook has disabled the Arizona Educators Rank and File Committee group, which provided a forum for teachers to oppose the betrayal of their struggles by the unions.

WSWS 20th Anniversary

Twenty years of the World Socialist Web Site: 1998–2018

By David North and Joseph Kishore, 14 February 2018

As the WSWS marks its 20th anniversary of daily posting, it is taking the lead in exposing the conspiracy by governments and corporations to censor the Internet as the ruling class prepares for war and domestic repression.


Lenin, Trotsky and the Marxism of the October Revolution

By David North, 19 March 2018

David North, chairperson of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site and of the Socialist Equality Party (US), delivered this lecture at the University of Leipzig on March 16.