Got less than $1m? Forget self-managed super

Self-managed superannuation funds with $1 million or more in assets are "broadly competitive" with institutional funds but smaller ones aren't worth the cost, new report finds.

The Productivity Commission said some directors of super funds may be reluctant to accept mergers because they may lose ...

ASIC urged to investigate failed super mergers

Some mergers of super funds have failed because board directors wanted to look after their own seats, rather than acting in their members' best interests, the Productivity Commission has found.

Blue Sky back in business

Blue Sky is raising money to invest in an Indonesian payments company as the listed fund manager looks to put the Glaucus debacle behind it.

Duplicate insurance policies eat up super

The government must act faster to stem the nearly $2 billion being spent annually on duplicate life insurance policies warns a draft Productivity Commission report.

State-run super fund not the answer

The Productivity Commission has slapped down calls for a government-owned super fund saying it creates dangerous political and budget risks.


Jennifer Hewett

PC's call to action on super

At last! The Productivity Commission draft report released today rightly focuses on how the wrong choices in superannuation come at too high a cost to far too many Australians.

Construction of the 270MW Sapphire Wind Farm is set to commence in 2017.

Big appetite for renewable energy projects

Renewable power developer CWP will partner with investment firm Partners Group to build more than 1.3 gigawatts of solar, wind and battery projects in Australia over the next four years.

President Donald Trump applauds during a Memorial Day ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery.

Trump's craziest claim about Russia

​For a man with a lot of serious issues, President Trump spends a lot of time thinking about the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Italy heads toward a new vote

The choice of Carlo Cottarelli, known for his strict approach to state finances, is set to further inflame Italy's bitter political divisions.

Personal Finance

The Productivity Commission recommends a "best in show" shortlist of the 10 best-performing default superannuation funds.

A 'best in show' shortlist to guide choice

A "best in show" shortlist of the 10 best performing default superannuation funds would be selected by an expert panel and reviewed every four years under the Productivity Commission's proposal.

The banks need to further embrace fintechs.

How the bank can beat fintechs

Seventy-one per cent of young people would prefer go to the dentist than listen to their bank. But there is a way forward for the banks.