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Party Discussion Site Now Available
- 2016 Aug 29

The CPA (M-L) recently created a discussion site for the printing of articles that are relevant to the work of the Party, but not necessarily reflective of a considered Party viewpoint, and for the raising of questions of the Party by members and supporters.

This is a moderated website and not a site for endless and pointless posts.

The most recent article is by respected Australian Marxist historian Humphrey McQueen which responds to a view that talking of an impending crisis of capitalism is “crying wolf”.

The article can be found by following this link to the home page of the discussion site:    

Members and supporters are asked to read the “How to use this website” post through a link on the top left hand side of the discussion site’s home page.




Latest Posts

Transport workers occupy intersection, demand safe rates from Aldi  

Nick G.

Traffic was stopped in the heart of Adelaide on Tuesday as Transport Workers Union took to the streets to demand safe rates from German supermarket giant Aldi.
Around 100 Union members and supporters sat down and occupied the street that runs through Tarndanyangga  (formerly Victoria Square) for around ...


more...- Posted on 2018 May 23

The sound of wallets closing exposes ruling class split  

Louisa L.

There’s a split in the imperialist ruling class over tactics.


more...- Posted on 2018 May 23

Breaking the Rules to Change the Rules: Lessons from the great O'Shea struggle  

Alice M .

“Everything I have done or tried to do I have done with the idea of service to the people in struggle.  I do not believe I can just arbitrarily impose my ideas on people.  But I do believe that the breakdown of capitalist society is impelling thousands ...


more...- Posted on 2018 May 20

“Hands across the sands” rallies target multinationals  

Nick G.

Thousands of Australians from seventeen coastal communities have joined hands across the sands to protest offshore drilling and offshore seismic testing for oil and gas.
The annual “hands across the sands” movement began eight years ago in the USA following BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf ...


more...- Posted on 2018 May 20

VALE Ark Tribe  

Nick G.

The Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) has learned with great sadness of the death of construction legend Ark Tribe.




more...- Posted on 2018 May 18

Tough cop, soft cop  

Nick G.

“One law for the rich, one law for the poor” is an aphorism that every worker knows by heart.

Its truth arises from the lived experience of those kept as wage slaves in capitalist society.


more...- Posted on 2018 May 18

Party sends solidarity message to Germany’s Rebellious Music Festival  

Nick G.

German authorities are threatening to close down this year’s Rebellious Music Festival scheduled to start today at Thuringia, one of the 16 states of contemporary Germany.
About 50 bands are currently listed to appear.  The theme of the Festival is anti-fascist, internationalist and revolutionary. The Marxist-Leninist Party of ...


more...- Posted on 2018 May 18

KARL MARX: Man and Fighter  

Humphrey McQueen

If sculpture aspires to the condition of music then Marx’s memorial in Highgate Cemetery hits a bum note. 


more...- Posted on 2018 May 17

PFLP interview with Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat  

Following the massacre committed by the Zionist army in Gaza on 14 May, when Israeli occupation forces killed 61 Palestinians as they participated in the Great Return March for their right of return and to break the siege, Comrade Khaled Barakat, leftist Palestinian writer, participated in a discussion with the ...


more...- Posted on 2018 May 16

A May Day Tale of Three Cities  

Jamie C.

May Day in NSW is celebrated on different days in different cities enabling workers to join their mates in more than one march.  In all three cities, the rally and marches focussed on the Australian Unions’ (ACTU) campaign to Change the Rules as well as the fight back ...


more...- Posted on 2018 May 14

The whisper in the wind  

Lindy Nolan

Early last December, there was Sorry Business at the Tent Embassy in Canberra. A Nunukul Elder from Minjerribah (Stradbroke Island), one of four Embassy founders, died here.


more...- Posted on 2018 May 12

NT Peoples say no to Pine Gap and to fracking  

Lindy Nolan

E ach morning from April 19 to 25, the clapsticks of quietly spoken Arrente activist, Chris Peltherre Tomlin, called people to the smoking ceremony at the Frontier Wars Camp at the Tent Embassy in Canberra. 


more...- Posted on 2018 May 12

There are new scar trees in Canberra  

Lindy Nolan

There are new scar trees in Canberra. They face outward from the Tent Embassy towards parliament house. The shields cut from the trees were soaked to carry sacred fire from the Embassy to the Frontier Wars March on Anzac Day.


more...- Posted on 2018 May 12

Sovereignty is key to First Nations’ unity  

Lindy Nolan

January 26, 1988 saw the biggest ever gathering of First Nations’ Peoples in their millenniums of history.
United, they announced their survival in the face of what Tent Embassy Firekeeper, Gumbainggir man, Roxley Foley calls “the strongest and most consolidated genocide pogrom in history”.


more...- Posted on 2018 May 11

Labor goes to water with Murray-Darling Basin sell-out  

Nick G.

Conservationists have accused the Labor Party of selling out the interests of a healthy Murray-Darling river system. The party has withdrawn its support for a Greens motion to disallow a reduction in the amount of water to be kept in the Southern Basin of the rivers for their ...


more...- Posted on 2018 May 10

Change the Rules! Change the System!  

Mike Williss

The Australian Unions’ (ACTU) campaign to Change the Rules is deserving of the full support of all working Australians.


more...- Posted on 2018 May 08

Eureka flag – more than just a union symbol  

Danny O.

In response to an outright attack on their democratic rights, workers are showing they are willing to fight to protect that most treasured symbol of Australian working class struggle.


more...- Posted on 2018 May 08

When red wine replaces red politics….  

Ned K.

And so it has come to this – Australia’s best wines for the new ruling class of China!

South Australia's economy has a booming wine and viticulture industry. The industry ownership is a mixture of large multinational companies such as Pernod Ricard, Vinpac, Treasury Wine Estates and Accolade, ...


more...- Posted on 2018 May 06

No cuts to biodiversity staff!  

Nick G.

The federal government will cut its biodiversity and conservation staff by more than 60, or around one third of its total.

Professor David Lindenmayer, an ecologist from the Australian National University, described the cuts as "an absolute calamity for the Australian environment and for the conservation of Australia's ...


more...- Posted on 2018 May 04

Parliament and Elections: Updated booklet  

This 2018 version of an earler publication exposes the 'superficial democracy' of parliament and the class rule that it rests upon. It opposes this with genuine working class democracy for the majority, not the few.



more...- Posted on 2018 May 04

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