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June 6, 2018 - click here for index of articles.

HANDS OFF! – Big biz super theft

For decades the big banks and insurance companies have had their eyes on the billions of dollars invested in the not-for-profit industry superannuation sector. These industry funds are not-for-profit, and exist to serve their members. They want control of these funds, both the superannuation products and the insurance policies they offer their members. The potential to make a profits killing at the expense of workers is huge.  more ...

Editorial – Israel’s fascism

What was the response of the Australian government to the mass murder of unarmed Palestinian protesters by the Israeli military last month? The atrocity perpetrated by the “most moral army in the world”, that last week, as a symbol of this oppression included the shooting dead of Palestinian volunteer paramedic Razan al-Najjar in Gaza?  more ...

Taking Issue – Health care as commodity

Privatisation of health is costing us a lot more than merely soaring medical bills if we get sick, cancer, or need surgery. (No wonder euthanasia is gaining in popularity. It became clear on the program that the doctors’ clinical choices are being influenced by the commodification of health care.)   more ...

Rooftop defiance

The defiant rooftop protest on the Green 1 compound of the Christmas Island detention centre ended on May 29 a few hours into the fifth day of protest. The two Iranian asylum seekers came down from the roof and are now being held in the punishment compound, White 1.  more ...

Police power hit list

Following the introduction by the Turnbull government of powers giving police the right to arbitrarily stop and interrogate people in airports we publish the following summary of recent legislation in the ongoing process of handing the state apparatus the means to invade and violate people’s privacy and civil liberties.  more ...

Mobilising a secular alliance

The Communist Party of Iraq’s Salam Ali talked to Morning Star about how the Sairoun Alliance managed to secure the largest number of seats in country’s most recent parliamentary elections.  more ...

From the women of Ireland

Saturday was a historic day for Ireland. The 8th amendment introduced in 1983 has finally been removed and the face of Ireland is changed utterly. Contrary to what the Establishment political parties have already started to say, the credit for this victory rests squarely with the women of Ireland.  more ...

Marxism: More relevant then ever

Communist Party USA leader John Bachtell addressed the international conference “Marxism of the 21st Century and the Future of World Socialism,” sponsored by the Communist Party of China on May 28 in Shenzhen. This is the text of his remarks.  more ...

Culture & Life – Racism and capitalism

At the end of the 15th century, several factors combined to hasten the demise of feudalism – the prevailing economic and social system based on ownership of land – and its replacement by a system based on possession of material wealth: gold or its equivalent.  more ...

Quote of the Week

A United States of Europe under capitalism is tantamount to
an agreement on the partition of colonies.

VI Lenin – On the Slogan for a United States of Europe (1915)

This web page was last updated: Tuesday, June 5, 2018.

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