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Pipeline worker injures, nearly kills tree-sitter

A Mountain Valley Pipeline worker climbs up dangerously close to a tree-sitterā€™s resistance site, injuring the activist, and endangering both their lives. A report...

Washington, DC Banner Drop: Support J20 Defendants, Even The Innocent Ones

The following statement and photo was anonymously sent to It's Going Down.Ā  A banner was dropped in solidarity with J20 defendants over highway 66 in...

Virginia Republican Doubles Down on ‘Green Antifa,’ Claims Russian Links

In mid-December, It's Going Down published an article about the evolving situation in the Virginias surrounding the broad rejection by many in the local...

Beautifying Andrew Dodson, the Human Reichstag

The neo-fash thought pretending this guy was a martyr was going to be the key to making their troubles go away. It is backfiring...

Kent, WA: Call to Defend Planned Parenthood from ‘Patriot Prayer’ June...

Call for a Pacific Northwest regional convergence against Patriot Prayer and Joey Gibson, who plans on rallying against Planned Parenthood on June 9th. Joey Gibson...

Growing Eco Direct Action & the Need for Movement Media

In this episode of the It's Going Down podcast, we caught up with two members of the Earth First! Journal collective, to discuss the...

Graffiti Memorials Spread for Fallen Comrade Toor

More graffiti memorials are popping up to remember our fallen comrade, Toor. In Olympia, Washington: Queer, antifascist, Anarchist comrade toor passed away last week in Minnesota....

All Out Against Fascism: Toronto Anti-PEGIDA Rally

Call out from the Toronto General Defense Committee (GDC) and Toronto Against Fascism to oppose the far-Right and Islamophobic group, PEGIDA. Social Media Event HERE Once...

Toronto: Who Protects the Nazis?

This essay from The International Anti-Fascist Defense Fund was originally posted to North Shore Counter-Info.Ā  In Toronto at least, itā€™s abundantly clear that the police...

Time to Write Parole Letters for Jalil Muntaqim!

Call to write letters in support for parole of long-time political prisoner Jalil Muntaqim. Once again, we are preparing for Jalil's upcoming parole hearing in...

June 11th: Interview with Ray Luc Levasseur

In this interview for theĀ June 11th International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason and all long-term anarchist prisoners, we spoke to Ray Luc Levasseur,...

Airport Workers Fix Payroll Issue with SeaSolā€™s Help

The following report comes from Seattle Solidarity Network, a direct action based group that fights for worker and tenant interests. Workers at a new airport...

Patrick Little: How the Mainstream Made the Little Nazi that Could

Patrick Little is one of a handful of far-Right, Alt-Right, and open neo-Nazis running for political office in the midterms. Northern California Anti-Racist Action...

Statement on Recent FBI Visits in Southeast Michigan

What follows is a statement from the Michigan Anti-Repression Committee on recent FBI visits, their context, and what to do if you or those...

Call to Resist Patriot Prayer Bringing Nazis to Portland June 3rd

A call from a variety of Pacific Northwest antifascist groups to oppose Joey Gibson and "Patriot Prayer," which has long provided a big tent...

Rallies on Malcolm X’s Birthday Highlight Conditions in Prison

The following report back discusses demonstrations that occurred on May 19th, the birthday of Malcolm X, which brought attention to horrific conditions in prisons...

Richmond, VA: Banner Drop In Memory of Marcus-David Peters

The following report and photo was sent anonymously to It's Going Down. During the morning rush hour of May 24th, we dropped a banner...

IWOC Endorses National Prison Strike and Pledges Support

Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee (IWOC) of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) announces its support for the national prison strike starting on August...

June 28th: Second Annual Int’l Day of Solidarity with Eric King

June 28, 2018 is the second annual International Day of Solidarity with Eric King. June 28th, 2016 was the day that he was sentenced...

Newburgh, NY: ‘Moonapalooza’ To Benefit Radical Space in Hudson Valley

Benefit for Moon Infoshop and Community Space in Newburgh, New York. The Moon Infoshop and Community Space in Newburgh, NY, has been around since October...

ERROR451 #10: Facebook and Cambridge Analytica

This week on Error451, William Budington and Bursts chat about the Facebook and Cambridge Analytica scandal. Weā€™ve seen Congressional hearings and M. Zuckerburg give...
This essay from The International Anti-Fascist Defense Fund was originally posted to North Shore Counter-Info.Ā  In Toronto at least, itā€™s abundantly clear that the police protect the nazis. This has been apparent at several heavily-policed events over the last two years there and is becoming so extreme that itā€™s hard...
The following essay looks at the J20 trial over a year and half after it began. By Peter Gelderloos Right now, four people are on trial accused of multiple felonies related to protesting at the inauguration of Donald Trump in 2017. They are part of a group of 59 accused who...
A Mountain Valley Pipeline worker climbs up dangerously close to a tree-sitterā€™s resistance site, injuring the activist, and endangering both their lives. A report from Jackson Phillips.Ā  On the afternoon of May 25, a hired climber for the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) project began clearing branches with a saw...
The following statement and photo was anonymously sent to It's Going Down.Ā  A banner was dropped in solidarity with J20 defendants over highway 66 in Washington DC. The banner read "Kerkhoff's a Crook. Drop the Charges. #DefendJ20" Prosecutors were caught withholding exculpatory evidence from the defense. While this is creating a courtroom...
Patrick Little is one of a handful of far-Right, Alt-Right, and open neo-Nazis running for political office in the midterms. Northern California Anti-Racist Action (NoCARA) argues that his campaign doesn't come out of nowhere, and represents the Right ward shift of both the neoliberal center as well as the...
A report and a history from North-Shore.Info on attacks on anarchists and social movements in the last ten years in the Hamilton area. After a tense week-long standoff between city bureaucrats, local journalists, and police, it seems anarchism has finally been cleared of being a hate crime in the...