American Thinker Blog

David Hogg's Publix stunt is an Alinsky-style shakedown - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 What a sorry spectacle this little monster has become... More
IG report: 15 years, $5-billion Afghan reconstruction effort a failure - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 Despite herculean efforts, the economic and security situation remains grim. More
North and South Korean leaders hold surprise meeting at Panmunjon - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 It seems clear that both leaders want the summit to go forward, which is probably what Trump wants. They now need to please him, after all. More
'Scandal-free' Obama is daring Trump to bust corrupt members of his administration - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 Obama set a trap for himself in claiming, for the umpteeth time, that his administration was scandal-free. More
Nicaragua explodes in violence as opposition to Ortega's rule grows - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 Calls for early elections being ignored by the government. More
Trump to lazy bureaucrats: You're fired! - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 The president is likely to be even more popular with the beleaguered public forced to pay for this incompetence. More
Fake news about 'lost' illegal alien children - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 Did the Trump administration really "lose" 1,475 illegal alien kids? More
Tommy Robinson arrested in England while reporting on trial of Muslim grooming gang - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 A well known political activist warning of the dangers of Islamic extremism was arrested Friday while doing a live-feed report online about the trial of Muslim gang members accused of grooming young girls for a prostitution ring. More
Louis Farrakhan: 'Mr. Trump is destroying every enemy that was an enemy of our rise' - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 MSM ignoring this shocker, but you can be sure Democrats are worried sick. More
Why are white 'bigots' stockpiling guns? - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 Scientific American gets even more woke. More
Bill Kristol barks at the moon - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 Some #NeverTrumps won't quit. Indeed, so chained are they to their hurt pride and delusions that they can't. More
Trump: 'We are not going to apologize for America' - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 Trump's Reaganesque speech is exactly what those graduates needed to hear.  More
Saudi Arabia bans German firms from further government contracts - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 Once again, as with the crime wave engendered by allowing in a million "refugees" (mostly military-age young Muslim males), German citizens and companies are learning that there can be a heavy cost to virtue-signaling. More
Throw the flag on the weak owners - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 Memo to NFL owners: Listen to President Trump. More
Identity politics to Balkanization to tribalism: A slippery slope - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 Will self-segregation lead to chaos? More
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Jarrett and Obama are Behind Spygate Daniel John Sobieski If Obama ran every decision past Jarrett, the decision to plant spies in the Trump campaign certainly was among the most important.  More
A History Lesson for the 'Trump Is Hitler' Crowd Ted Noel Yesterday, I visited the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. A new picture was driven home to me in a most forceful manner. More
Democrats Undermining Black Civil Rights Heroes' Legacy Lloyd Marcus Democrats have abandoned the mission of my dad's generation of black civil rights pioneers for an America of brotherhood and equal rights for all. More
A Graduation Address from 1936 Hank Wallace How the times have changed. More
How Republicans Can Win in November Thomas O'Malley Hint: It's not by running on tax cuts. More
Post-Liberalism in the Age of Trump Paul Ingrassia Donald Trump's ascendancy punctuated what can turn out to be a fatal hole in the neoliberal equilibrium. More

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American Thinker Blog

David Hogg's Publix stunt is an Alinsky-style shakedown - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 What a sorry spectacle this little monster has become... More
IG report: 15 years, $5-billion Afghan reconstruction effort a failure - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 Despite herculean efforts, the economic and security situation remains grim. More
North and South Korean leaders hold surprise meeting at Panmunjon - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 It seems clear that both leaders want the summit to go forward, which is probably what Trump wants. They now need to please him, after all. More
'Scandal-free' Obama is daring Trump to bust corrupt members of his administration - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 Obama set a trap for himself in claiming, for the umpteeth time, that his administration was scandal-free. More
Nicaragua explodes in violence as opposition to Ortega's rule grows - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 Calls for early elections being ignored by the government. More
Trump to lazy bureaucrats: You're fired! - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 The president is likely to be even more popular with the beleaguered public forced to pay for this incompetence. More
Fake news about 'lost' illegal alien children - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 Did the Trump administration really "lose" 1,475 illegal alien kids? More
Tommy Robinson arrested in England while reporting on trial of Muslim grooming gang - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 A well known political activist warning of the dangers of Islamic extremism was arrested Friday while doing a live-feed report online about the trial of Muslim gang members accused of grooming young girls for a prostitution ring. More
Louis Farrakhan: 'Mr. Trump is destroying every enemy that was an enemy of our rise' - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 MSM ignoring this shocker, but you can be sure Democrats are worried sick. More
Why are white 'bigots' stockpiling guns? - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 Scientific American gets even more woke. More
Bill Kristol barks at the moon - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 Some #NeverTrumps won't quit. Indeed, so chained are they to their hurt pride and delusions that they can't. More
Trump: 'We are not going to apologize for America' - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 Trump's Reaganesque speech is exactly what those graduates needed to hear.  More
Saudi Arabia bans German firms from further government contracts - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 Once again, as with the crime wave engendered by allowing in a million "refugees" (mostly military-age young Muslim males), German citizens and companies are learning that there can be a heavy cost to virtue-signaling. More
Throw the flag on the weak owners - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 Memo to NFL owners: Listen to President Trump. More
Identity politics to Balkanization to tribalism: A slippery slope - 5/26/18 May 26, 2018 Will self-segregation lead to chaos? More
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