Live Producer FAQs

What is a source?

Sources are the method of ingesting live video via RTMP into Producer in Media Studio. A source needs to be created before you are able to ingest video and broadcast live on Twitter. There is no limit on the amount of sources that can be created, but we recommend re-using one or more sources in your account to simplify your experience.

What is a broadcast?

Broadcasts are the method of going live with a stream on Twitter. Broadcasts are how most people on Twitter will be experiencing your live video.

Can I re-use a source across different broadcasts?

Yes, as long as your broadcasts occur at different times. We recommend re-using sources, but if you have multiple broadcasts that need to occur at the same time, it will be necessary to create additional sources.

Can sources be deleted?

No, it is not possible to delete sources at this time. Instead, we would recommend limiting the creation of new sources, as well as re-using existing sources.

Can I utilize an existing RTMP stream from another platform (Periscope, Facebook Live, YouTube, etc.) for my source?

No, it is not possible to re-use these existing streams. There must be a separate stream published to a source in Media Studio in order for us to properly ingest the video content.

There are third-party services that can ‘split’ one stream in order to send it to multiple RTMP points across different platforms. These services can be used to publish live video to Producer in Media Studio.

What software and hardware encoders are currently supported?

This list is not exhaustive and could change at any time:

  • OBS
  • Wirecast
  • Teradek
  • Elemental
  • Switchboard Live
  • LiveStream
  • FFMpeg
  • Tricaster
  • Telescope
  • LiveU
  • vMix
  • Vidpresso

What happens once a broadcast is over?

Once a broadcast is ended, it turns into a video-on-demand replay video that is accessible from Twitter or Periscope. Any Tweets that had been created during (or after) the broadcast was live will automatically show the replay and start at the beginning of the video.

Can I schedule a broadcast to go live at a particular time?

No, at this time it is not possible to schedule a broadcast to automatically go live at a future time. It is possible to create broadcasts in anticipation of a stream that will occur in the future. However you will need to manually publish that broadcast at the desired time.

Will my followers get notified of new broadcasts on Periscope?

Yes, when a broadcast goes live, it is discoverable on Periscope if you have associated your Periscope account with your Twitter username.

Will my followers get notified of new broadcasts on Twitter?

Twitter followers will only get notified of new broadcasts if there has been a Tweet created with the broadcast via Producer in Media Studio. At that point, we will also send a push notification to those Twitter followers that have elected to be alerted when your account has a live broadcast.

Can broadcasts be monetized?

Yes, Tweets containing a broadcast can be monetized on Twitter by associating it to a sponsorship program via Producer in Media Studio. When creating a Tweet, there will be a dropdown to select the desired program that has been linked to your username by a Twitter account manager.

At this time, broadcasts cannot be monetized via our Amplify Publisher Program. 

Can Broadcasts be promoted?

Yes, Tweets containing the broadcast can be promoted on Twitter via an ads campaign. Campaign objectives that support broadcasts currently are: Promoted video views, in-stream video views (pre-roll), and Tweet engagements.

Can broadcasts be deleted?

Yes, it is possible to delete a broadcast via the broadcast list. All existing Tweets that include the broadcast will now show error messages upon playback attempt. We recommend deleting all affected Tweets.

Can I view analytics associated with a broadcast?

Yes, open a previously-live broadcast to view analytics. Please note you will be able to see complete data for live viewership 2-3 hours after your broadcast ends.

Can I sort or filter my list of broadcasts?

No, at this time it is not possible to either filter or sort the broadcast list within Producer in Media Studio.

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