
Relatives’ tributes at Grenfell Tower Inquiry blame government for deaths

By Robert Stevens, 29 May 2018

Family members frequently broke down as they remembered their loved ones in moving and emotional scenes.

1968: The general strike and the student revolt in France

Part 1—A revolutionary situation develops

By Peter Schwarz, 29 May 2018

Fifty years ago, in May-June 1968, a general strike brought France to the brink of proletarian revolution. This eight-part series describes the events and draws the political lessons for today.

Ireland votes to repeal anti-abortion amendment

By Steve James, 28 May 2018

The result signals a shift to the left among broad sections of the Irish population.

Workers’ unrest in the Netherlands

By Harm Waling, 28 May 2018

Teachers in Dutch elementary schools will strike in the southern provinces on May 30, part of a growing wave of strike actions in the Netherlands.

Testimony to Grenfell Fire inquiry paints devastating picture of social murder

By Robert Stevens, 24 May 2018

The inquiry heard from Hisam Choucair, who lost six members of his family in the inferno and Karim Mussilhy, who lost his uncle, Hesham Rahman.

Ken Livingstone forced out of British Labour Party

By Thomas Scripps and Chris Marsden, 23 May 2018

The witch-hunt and expulsions within Labour will be held up as an example to follow by right-wing forces all over the world, above all in Israel and the United States.

Italy: Most right-wing government since Mussolini

By Peter Schwarz, 23 May 2018

On Sunday, the protest Five Star Movement (M5S) and the right-wing extremist Lega agreed on a joint government programme.

French public sector workers strike against austerity and attacks on conditions

By Kumaran Ira, 23 May 2018

The strikes and the 130 protests across France are a sign of growing opposition to the militarist and austerity policies of Macron and the European Union.

Members of Windrush generation speak out against UK government persecution

By Margot Miller, 23 May 2018

Governments of all persuasions have deliberately cultivated a climate of fear and intimidation against immigrants.

Sergei Skripal discharged from hospital

By Robert Stevens and Paul Bond, 21 May 2018

The entire narrative concocted by the British government has fallen apart, seam by seam.

Britain’s royal wedding: Recasting the monarchy in the age of identity politics

By Paul Mitchell, 19 May 2018

Markle’s feminism and racial identity provide the basis for the ultimate post-modernist makeover of the monarchy.

UK: Tories seek to defuse anger over Grenfell fire ahead of official public inquiry

By Robert Stevens, 18 May 2018

The claim by the government, backed by Labour, that adding two panel members to the Grenfell fire inquiry will prevent a whitewash is false.

Protests across UK against Israel’s massacre of Palestinians

By our reporters, 17 May 2018

“We need an anti-war movement. We now stand on the brink of a major war.”

New Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan takes belligerent stand on Nagorno-Karabakh

By Clara Weiss, 17 May 2018

Pashinyan’s reckless moves toward military conflict expose the fraudulent character of the Western media coverage of Armenia’s supposed “democratic revolution.”

Striking workers and students in France denounce war, Gaza massacre

By Alex Lantier, 16 May 2018

Rail workers and students protesting selective admissions at universities denounced French bombings in Syria and the Israeli army’s massacre of unarmed Palestinians.

Rome: Buses explode due to lack of maintenance

By Allison Smith, 15 May 2018

Last year, 22 buses were destroyed by fire in the Italian capital and 2018 is already on track to being far worse, with four bus fires in a single month.

Military coup against a Corbyn Labour government discussed by Daily Telegraph

By Robert Stevens, 15 May 2018

That a military coup is again under serious consideration puts paid to the illusions assiduously cultivated by Corbyn and his apologists that a Labour government led by him will inaugurate a new period of reforms.

German militarization and Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal

By Johannes Stern, 15 May 2018

Following US President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear accord, the German bourgeoisie is intensifying its campaign for militarism, rearmament, and war.

French students blockade universities in struggle against selective admissions

By Guillaume Garnier, 15 May 2018

After the March 22 protest of rail and public workers against the privatisation of railways, students launched a movement to blockade universities across France.

The fraud of Mélenchon’s call for a Franco-Russian alliance against war

By Alex Lantier and Kumaran Ira, 15 May 2018

Workers cannot rely on an alliance of capitalist powers proposed by pro-war politicians like Jean-Luc Mélenchon to stave off the growing danger of global conflict over Iran.

Lega and Five Star Movement prepare a joint government in Italy

By Peter Schwarz, 12 May 2018

In Italy, the right-wing extremist Lega and the Five Star protest movement are negotiating the formation of a joint government. A result is expected at the beginning of next week.

The death of reformism: Corbyn and the “broad left”

By Chris Marsden, 11 May 2018

The following speech was delivered by Chris Marsden, national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (UK), the British section of the International Committee of the Fourth International, for the past 20 years.

European powers condemn Trump’s cancellation of Iran nuclear treaty

By Alex Lantier and Johannes Stern, 10 May 2018

Trump’s scrapping of the 2015 treaty has revealed deep and explosive divisions between Washington and its imperialist allies in Europe.

House of Lords Brexit revolt hits Conservatives and Labour

By Paul Mitchell, 10 May 2018

Theresa May’s Conservative government suffered another defeat in the House of Lords on Tuesday, as peers voted for an amendment to the European Union withdrawal bill.

Putin begins his fourth term as Russia’s president

By Clara Weiss, 9 May 2018

Putin’s fourth term as president will inevitably be characterized by increasing social struggles in Russia.

Jeremy Corbyn silent on persecution of Julian Assange

By Laura Tiernan, 9 May 2018

It is more than two years since a United Nations human rights panel ruled that Assange’s persecution by the Swedish and British governments amounts to “arbitrary detention” and a violation of international law.

German defence minister calls for faster increase in military spending

By Johannes Stern, 9 May 2018

Since the government’s initial budget was announced last week, there has been an aggressive campaign in politics and the media with the aim of upgrading the German military much faster and more comperehensively.

Defying the trade unions, Air France workers vote to reject contract

By Alex Lantier, 8 May 2018

Workers defied not only threats from Air France and the government, but also from the union bureaucrats, who demanded that they approve the contract.

No solution to Italian government crisis

By Marianne Arens, 8 May 2018

The second attempt to form a government failed on May 3 when the leadership of the Democratic Party rejected a coalition with the Five Star Movement.

The struggle against militarism and the far right in Europe

By Peter Schwarz, 8 May 2018

The following speech was delivered to the May Day rally by Peter Schwarz, Secretary of the International Committee of the Fourth International for the past 32 years, and a leading member of the German section of the ICFI.

Belgian prime minister smears filmmaker Ken Loach as “anti-Semitic”

By Paul Bond, 4 May 2018

The pro-austerity premier’s slur demonstrates how baseless charges of anti-Semitism are being used to attack any form of social protest or comment.

Germany: Grand coalition government discusses war budget

By Johannes Stern, 3 May 2018

While there is supposedly no money for social programmes, jobs, pensions and medical care, defence spending next year alone is set to rise by at least three billion euros.

Food factories closing across Britain

By Steve James, 3 May 2018

The looming mass layoffs expose the bankruptcy of all the mainstream parties and trade unions claiming to speak for the factory workers.

Armenian parliament rejects pro-Western opposition leader’s bid to be prime minister

By Clara Weiss, 2 May 2018

The main roots of the political crisis lie in the advanced preparations for imperialist war in the region.

German army rehearses for civil war

By Gregor Link, 2 May 2018

The deployment of the Bundeswehr domestically and the networking of civilian agencies with the police and military are part of a comprehensive rearmament offensive.

Fate of London Stadium epitomises toxic “Olympic Legacy”

Part two

By Paul Bond, 1 May 2018

The former Olympic Stadium, which has already cost taxpayers more than £750 million, represents a legacy of corporate venality, corruption and graft.

French immigration bill attacks right to asylum

By Athiyan Silva, 1 May 2018

The neo-fascist National Front voted for provisions of the bill, marking the first time a French government has passed legislative measures with FN support.

Fate of London Stadium epitomises toxic “Olympic legacy”

Part one

By Paul Bond, 30 April 2018

The former Olympic Stadium, which has already cost taxpayers more than £750 million, has left a legacy of corporate venality, corruption and graft.

“Old Europe” comes to Washington

By Alex Lantier and Andre Damon, 28 April 2018

Fifteen years ago, the European powers opposed the US-British invasion of Iraq. Now they are scrambling to serve as junior partners in the new carve-up of the Middle East.

UK universities being integrated into military-security apparatus

By Thomas Scripps, 28 April 2018

In addition to commercial relations with the military-industrial complex, universities are working closely with the armed forces to provide education and recruitment opportunities.

German Chancellor Merkel and Donald Trump hold tense meeting in Washington

By Peter Schwarz, 28 April 2018

While the meeting appeared superficially friendly, Trump made no concessions on the fundamental issues discussed.

UK: Brexit divisions threaten government defeat

By Chris Marsden, 28 April 2018

The prime minister is under pressure from both sides of her party to clarify her position on the customs union, the mechanism allowing goods to be transported tariff-free between European Union member states.

London residents speak out on Grenfell fire

By our reporters, 24 April 2018

Ten months since the inferno that killed at least 72 people at a housing tower in London, no one has been held accountable.

UK: Report by building research firm reveals scale of criminality that led to Grenfell fire

By Barry Mason, 20 April 2018

No one has been brought to justice for last June’s fire, but a report by a building research body makes clear there is ample evidence to allow for immediate arrests and charging to proceed.

Nearly 30,000 single-parent families made homeless in England in 2017

By Dennis Moore, 20 April 2018

Last year, one third of single parents were affected by welfare cuts, while 39 percent are struggling in low-paid, often insecure work.

UK government’s racist targeting of Caribbean migrants provokes backlash

By Robert Stevens and Thomas Scripps, 19 April 2018

The tightening of immigration legislation was in line with a policy of creating, in Prime Minister May’s words, a “really hostile environment” for “illegal” immigrants.

Germany’s pro-war Left Party postures as a “party of peace”

By Johannes Stern, 19 April 2018

The Left Party in Germany is trying to portray itself as an opponent of war in order to prevent a powerful anti-war movement from developing.

University and College Union sells out UK lecturers strike

By Robert Stevens, 18 April 2018

It was to demobilise opposition to its rotten deal with the employers that the UCU cut the number of universities due to walk out this week, before suspending strike action altogether

Government crisis in the Czech Republic

By Markus Salzmann, 18 April 2018

Under the guise of popular protests in the Czech Republic, reactionary elements are working to advance a policy to strengthen the government along with the ruling class.

UK: Labour right lines up with government over Syria bombing

By Chris Marsden, 17 April 2018

Yesterday May faced widespread criticism, but largely for having failed to recall Parliament rather than any substantive opposition to the illegal action taken by the US, France and the UK.

EU foreign ministers push for regime change in Damascus following Syria attack

By Peter Schwarz, 17 April 2018

Although the attack on Syria was in clear violation of international law, the EU foreign ministers’ meeting in Luxembourg explicitly endorsed it.

Russian government blocks messaging app Telegram

By Clara Weiss, 17 April 2018

The attack on encrypted communication is part of the international drive by governments to censor the Internet and expand mass surveillance.

UK: Demands grow for May government to hold debate on Syria attack

By Robert Stevens, 16 April 2018

UK Prime Minister Theresa May is due to make a formal statement to parliament today on the Syria airstrikes, but no vote is to take place.

Demonstration against rent increases in Berlin draws 25,000

By our reporters, 16 April 2018

The large numbers participating in the demonstration, which was originally only expected to attract 4,000, illustrates the depth of the anger over unaffordable rents.

US and imperialist allies launch strikes against Syria

By The World Socialist Web Site Editorial Board, 14 April 2018

All of the governments participating in this new onslaught are crisis-ridden and lack any electoral legitimacy.

War fever grips German media

By Peter Schwarz, 14 April 2018

Die Welt demanded the “eradication of the Assad regime” and the deployment of “hundreds of thousands of soldiers” to Syria to “in the worst case scenario, fight Russians and Iranians.”

Spanish government promotes militarism in schools

By Alejandro López, 14 April 2018

The reactionary syllabus includes the need to respect the army, the police, the flag, the anthem and the King and to uphold the unity of Spain.

New pro-EU party planned to oppose Corbyn and Labour

By Julie Hyland, 13 April 2018

The project intends to “borrow” ideas from “both left and right,” promoting divisive identity politics—based on race, gender and sexual orientation—while championing “wealth creation and tighter immigration controls.”

UK higher education and university staff oppose union sellout ahead of ballot result

By Thomas Scripps, 11 April 2018

There is strong resistance to the University and College Union’s attempted sell-out of the pension dispute by university staff who oppose the bureaucracy’s lying claims.

Students protest against Macron as strikes against austerity mount in France

By Johannes Stern and Alex Lantier, 11 April 2018

All over the country, students are occupying campuses and holding general assemblies and demonstrations.

Strikes mount as National Assembly opens debate on French rail privatization

By Alex Lantier, 10 April 2018

Air France workers are taking strike action today over wage demands, after rail workers mounted a fourth day of rotating strikes yesterday.

Right-wing nationalist Orban wins Hungarian election

By Peter Schwarz, 10 April 2018

Expectations that the Fidesz Party would lose support due to corruption scandals and claims by pollsters that the mood in the country was shifting did not materialise.

UK’s Open University to be decimated, as more jobs are eliminated

By Simon Whelan, 10 April 2018

Hundreds of jobs are threatened in the largest restructuring and redundancy programme in university history.

New Anti-capitalist Party seeks to strangle French rail strikes

By Alex Lantier, 10 April 2018

Fifty years after the 1968 general strike, the Pabloite NPA insists workers should take orders from organizations it admits support the attacks on rail workers.

Britain piles on lies to shore up Skripal poisoning accusations against Russia

By Robert Stevens, 9 April 2018

Faced with a devastating exposure of the May government’s concoctions, within the space of a month, the British media is in damage limitation mode.

Spain responds to German court decision on Puigdemont with threats of stepped-up repression

By Alejandro López, 9 April 2018

The court’s decision is a setback for Madrid, which was confident Puigdemont would be returned to Spain and the possibility of 30 years in jail, with the German government’s tacit agreement.

As the unions continue talks with the government

French rail workers, students resume strike action against Macron

By Kumaran Ira, 9 April 2018

The trade unions are coordinating with the Macron government to contain the rail workers’ strike movement against the planned privatisation of the French National Railways.

Bogus anti-Semitism campaign against Corbyn and Labour reveals its Zionist agenda

By Jean Shaoul, 9 April 2018

The furore over Jewdas confirms that the three-year-long campaign accusing Corbyn of tolerating anti-Semitism is part of an effort to discredit the entire left.

Isle of Wight Council continues to cut services

By Paul Bond, 9 April 2018

Every aspect of social provision on the island stands as an indictment of the capitalist system.

Charities work with UK Home Office to deport rough sleepers

By Tom Pearce, 6 April 2018

In 2017, the rough sleeping rate in London showed an 18 percent rise since 2016, with 59 percent of rough sleepers in the capital being non-UK nationals.

The right-wing politics of the British “Labour anti-Semitism” smear campaign

By Jean Shaoul, 5 April 2018

The tendencies and prominent leaders involved make clear that strident accusations of anti-Semitism are aimed at shifting British politics sharply to the right.

The lies of the imperialist powers over the Skripal affair unravel

By Robert Stevens, 5 April 2018

Not since Nazi Germany has the world witnessed such a shameless falsification of events as the provocation concocted around the poisoning in England of former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter.

UK security review exposes militarist agenda behind Russian Novichok allegations

By Thomas Scripps, 5 April 2018

Prime Minister May defined the Fusion Strategy as the “use of all our capabilities” to “project our global influence.”

Major strikes in France challenge Macron’s right-wing reforms

By Peter Schwarz and Eric London, 3 April 2018

The railway workers’ strike, which began Monday evening, is the biggest test of strength to date between President Emmanuel Macron and the French working class.

Explosive social conditions in Spain behind moves toward police state

By Vicky Short, 3 April 2018

Behind the police-state measures being enacted in Spain lie economic, political and social tensions that are also now finding expression in a growing movement of the working class.

Italy: Five Star Movement makes a deal with the far-right League

By Marianne Arens and Peter Schwarz, 30 March 2018

The protest movement Five Star and the far-right League have moved closer together. They might now form a coalition government.

Vote “No” to University and College Union sellout of UK lecturers pension strike

By Robert Stevens, 29 March 2018

The University and College Union’s Higher Education Committee voted to put an inferior pensions’ offer from Universities UK to a ballot, in the face of lecturer’s opposition.

German politicians question US-led campaign against Russia

By Johannes Stern, 29 March 2018

While London and Washington continue to further incite tensions with Russia over the Skripal case, criticism is mounting within the European Union over their aggressive stance towards Moscow.

Labour Party right lead demands for second Brexit referendum

By Julie Hyland, 29 March 2018

Despite stating recently that he was in favour of “a customs union” with the EU, Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn has stopped short of endorsing membership of the Single European Market and a second referendum.

Perpetrator of Carcassonne and Trèbes terrorist attacks known to French intelligence agencies

By Anthony Torres, 29 March 2018

The bloody attack raises more questions about the responsibility of the French state, which has infiltrated Islamist terror networks in their war in Syria.

The poisoning of Skripal and the campaign against Russia

By Bill Van Auken, 28 March 2018

From the Zinoviev Letter of 1924 to the alleged poisoning of a double agent in the UK, both US and British intelligence have a long record of employing lies to justify war and reaction.

UK: Grenfell fire inquiry withholds vital evidence from the bereaved and survivors

By Paul Mitchell, 28 March 2018

Lawyers for the bereaved, survivors and local residents will be prevented from raising issues of a “social, economic and political nature.”

Russia: Protests against officials erupt in wake of Kemerovo fire

By Clara Weiss, 28 March 2018

The horrific fire at the Kemerovo “Winter Cherry” shopping mall and entertainment center on March 25 has brought social and political tensions in Russia to a boiling point.

Stop the prosecution of left-wing anti-war students in Turkey

Statement of Toplumsal Esitlik—the ICFI’s Turkish supporters, 28 March 2018

The crackdown against Bogazici University students is part of broader repression against the workers and youth by President Erdogan and his ruling Justice and Development Party.

Russia: At least 64 dead, including many children, in horrific shopping mall fire

By Clara Weiss, 27 March 2018

Like the Grenfell fire last summer in London, the fire at the Kemerovo shopping mall on Sunday is a social crime for which the ruling oligarchy bears full responsibility.

European Union backs UK in accusing Russia of nerve agent attack

By Chris Marsden, 24 March 2018

Britain is using the alleged attempted assassination of the Skripals to ally itself with powerful sections of the US establishment pushing for a more hardline stance against Russia.

Barely any “affordable” housing being built in the UK

By Margot Miller, 22 March 2018

Local councils, many Labour-run, have responded to rapacious funding cuts from central government by privatising services, selling off remaining council stock and facilitating highly profitable deals with developers.

No to talks with Macron on the privatisation of French railways!

For a political struggle against austerity and militarism in Europe!

By Alex Lantier, 22 March 2018

Workers taking part in a nationwide strike in France on March 22 are confronted with an international political struggle.

UK-EU draft deal pleases neither side of ruling elite’s Brexit divide

By Chris Marsden, 21 March 2018

Struck against the background of demands for action against Russia, the agreement gave expression to rising antagonisms between the UK and its European rivals.

“The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference and that’s how those in power view many in our society”

Grenfell fire: An interview with North Kensington resident Joe Delaney

By Robert Stevens, 21 March 2018

In this interview, local resident Joe Delaney speaks about his initial involvement in tenants housing issues in North Kensington and the Grenfell Action Group, his thoughts on the Grenfell fire and the official public inquiry.

European Union seeks tariff exemptions as US sets out demands

By Nick Beams, 20 March 2018

Talks in Washington with the Trump administration will determine whether the EU proceeds with threatened measures in retaliation against the US imposition of tariffs on steel and aluminium.

London, NATO step up war threats against Russia over Skripal poisoning

By Alex Lantier, 19 March 2018

NATO authorities issued a barrage of political and military threats at Russia, a nuclear-armed power, without providing any evidence for their allegations.

Witch-hunt of Corbyn aims to silence popular opposition to anti-Russia offensive

By Chris Marsden, 19 March 2018

Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn’s cautioning against a “rush to judgement” in the alleged poisoning of former double agent Sergei Skripal has prompted frenzied media denunciations.

Putin wins Russian presidential elections amid growing international and domestic instability

By Vladimir Volkov and Clara Weiss, 19 March 2018

The Russian presidential elections took place amid unprecedented geopolitical tensions, and a prolonged decline in popular living standards.

Spain’s Amazon workers call first ever strike at Madrid hub

By Alejandro López, 19 March 2018

For more than a year, Amazon has been negotiating with the unions to impose a new agreement that would drastically reduce workers’ rights.

Northern Ireland: Loyalist killer was a police agent

By Steve James, 19 March 2018

Gary Haggarty was working as a British agent when he killed five people on what the government still insists is the “British soil” of Northern Ireland.

Questions mount about UK allegations over "novichok" poison in Skripal case

By Alex Lantier, 19 March 2018

Scientists have repeatedly questioned the existence of the ‘novichok’ poison which London is claiming, without providing evidence, that Russia used to poison Skripal.

The role of the UCU Left in the effort to shut down the UK lecturers strike

By Robert Stevens, 17 March 2018

From its formation, the UCU Left pledged to work with the right wing within the UCU leadership, and has served to suppress opposition and bolster the authority of the unions.

UK: Lecturers and students speak on struggle to fight savage pension cuts

By our reporters, 17 March 2018

WSWS reporters spoke to striking lecturers and students on picket lines and at rallies Thursday and Friday in London and Glasgow.

New German foreign minister threatens Russia and intensifies militarism

By Johannes Stern, 17 March 2018

In his inaugural address, the new foreign minister stressed that the third grand coalition under Angela Merkel would accelerate Germany’s return to an aggressive foreign policy.