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Trump’s Presidency May Decide the Fate of Socialism in America


Be afraid. Be very afraid. Last week, the Washington Post ran an opinion piece by Elizabeth Bruenig entitled “It’s time to give socialism a try.” While such an outlandish idea isn’t necessarily out of place on the Opinion page of the Post (or even in the thick of its news for that matter), Bruenig’s casual […]

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Can We All End the Charade That Republicans Care About the Debt/Deficit?


With the grand bargain struck by Republicans with Democrats on the two-year budget deal, there is one thing for sure known: Republicans love spending other people’s money as much as Democrats. The allure is too great. The blank checks are the seductive sirens luring the American ship into destruction. They don’t consider how every dollar […]

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Yes, It’s Okay to Order Delivery During a Storm, Right?


Had a rather absurd exchange with Mike Madden of the Washington Post about whether or not to order delivery during a snowstorm. Yes. And tip insanely well. Are you kidding? In the run-up to Hurricane Harvey, the delivery guys were making a ton of money. The guy who brought me food was deliriously happy. […]

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Take Note of Tech’s Temper Tantrum


December 14, 2017 is increasingly looking like a day that could go down in history for all the right reasons — namely, as the day when the tech industry’s stranglehold on Washington, D.C. policymakers was broken. That day, Ajit Pai’s FCC repealed the thoroughly unnecessary program known as net neutrality, a move that in itself […]

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Corporate Grinches Don Santa Suits in Wake of Trump Tax Cuts


AT&T reached out and touched someone — more than 200,000 someones. “Once tax reform is signed into law, AT&T plans to invest an additional $1 billion in the United States in 2018 and pay a special $1,000 bonus to more than 200,000 AT&T US employees — all union-represented, non-management and front-line managers,” company CEO Randall Stephenson […]

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Pigs Get Fattened


William Ackman’s campaign against vitamin supplement company Herbalife came to a halt recently, following a years-long campaign to use a government apparatus meant for protecting consumers to bankrupt a stock he had bet against. While Ackman ended up losing money in the end, his actions serve as a reminder of how the most well-intentioned agencies […]

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America at Yearend 2017 — Back From the Brink, Not Into the Abyss


World War I ended with the collapse of vast empires and the age-old monarchies that ran them. What kind of a new world would emerge from the imperial rubble? The poet William Butler Yeats was nothing if not pessimistic. In 1919, he wrote: Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the […]

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Foreign Regulators Should Not Be U.S. Competitors’ Secret Weapon


The economy is booming under President Trump. Unemployment is low and the stock market continues to set new record highs. With the administration and lawmakers on Capitol Hill intent on reforming the tax code, America’s businesses should be on a path toward growth. However, economic progress may be deterred by regulatory overreach here and abroad […]

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The FDA’s Farm Failure


Under the leadership of Scott Gottlieb, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has the potential to embrace innovation and shed its reputation of being a slow-moving, politically manipulated agency. But there are problems that need to be addressed. For example, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) says the FDA can’t enforce its own rule on […]

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‘A Giant Tax Cut for Christmas’


Republicans on Capitol Hill affirmed on Wednesday reaching an agreement reconciling the Senate and House versions of the tax bill. This accomplishment perhaps eclipses the actual passage in both houses of the bill(s?), which reads as two distinct pieces of legislation despite House Speaker Paul Ryan, in a discussion with Fox News, calling the two […]

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