
A lot of discussion has come across my desk in the past few days in regards to Jews.  Firstly, and most noticeably, my colleague over at Eponymous Flower has noticed how in recent days, post-Vatican II clerics and “experts” have been “venting their collectivist fury upon anyone they perceive as …

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Howdy Gang. As you’ve probably noticed, I haven’t been able to post lately.  I’ve been pretty occupied lately.  I’m only now able to squeeze out anything on this blog.  I don’t have any articles prepared for Forge and Anvil currently, though I do have some topics on the backburner I …

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Off The Menu: Abused Catholics

This past week’s Off the Menu from Tumblarhouse was one of the most pertinent, informative, and important segments I’ve heard so far.  In it, Charles Coulombe and Vincent Frankini deal with an ongoing perennial issue in the Traditional Catholic world, which is: Why is the Traditionalist Movement a magnet for …

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