Hillary Clinton

Hillary’s whiny Yale commencement speech

Featured image I’ve heard my share of commencement speeches both live and via C-SPAN. Typically, speakers offer words of encouragement and advice to graduates. Rags to riches stories aren’t commonly told these days, but commencement speakers often recount tales of achievement against the odds, sometimes by the speaker, sometimes not. I once heard a commencement speech devoted to heaping praise on the college president (Jim Kim of Dartmouth). That was an outlier, »

The Trump Tower meeting cut down to size

Featured image Remember all the excitement after it was revealed that Donald Trump Jr. and a few others in the Trump campaign met with that Russian lawyer at Trump Tower? The mainstream media treated this news as if it were a tipping point in the search for collusion between Team Trump and the Russian government. The notion was always absurd. News flash: A presidential campaign, when offered dirt on the opponent, will »

Comey’s delusion

Featured image James Comey is beginning to remind me of David Brock. In the mid 1990s, Brock wrote a book that criticized Hillary Clinton, though not to the degree many on the right hoped for. He then spent the next two decades sucking up to Hillary. Comey publicly criticized Clinton’s handling of classified emails, though he did not lower the boom that many on the right hoped for. Now Comey seems obsessed »

The other dossier

Featured image We have yet to ascertain the source of the counterintelligence investigation that culminated in the Mueller Switch Project. Andrew McCarthy and Lee Smith are the two analysts who have both refused to disseminate the carefully cultivated stories of the Obama/Clinton apparatus and provided their own invaluable analysis to the proceedings. Today Lee Smith complicates my understanding of the Steele Dossier in the intensely reported RealClearInvestigations column “Unpacking the other Clinton-linked »

Fear and self-loathing on the campaign trail

Featured image During the 2016 presidential race, we often heard about “dysfunction” within the Trump campaign. Indeed, this was a theme of mainstream media coverage. The Clinton campaign, by contrast, was portrayed as a smooth, if uninspiring, operation. Only after the election did we begin to learn about discord and dysfunction in Hillaryland. Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign, by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes provided details. Along, now, comes Chasing Hillary: »

Sore loser Hillary sees popularity plummet

Featured image They say that no one likes a loser. I don’t think that’s true in sports, where winning teams seem less liked than losing ones. When I coached youth basketball, I was more popular the year my team went 8-8 than the year we were 16-0. In politics, though, the saying generally holds true. One reason is probably that so many people have so much riding on a politician’s success. Unlike »

Investigate this

Featured image Yesterday Rep. Ron DeSantis and ten other Republican congressmen sent a letter to Attorney General Sessions, FBI Director Wray and Sessions designee John Huber seeking the investigation of Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Loretta Lynch and other players “in connection with 2016 campaign controversies,” as FOX News puts it in its report. Observing “the dissimilar degrees of zealousness” that have marked the investigations of the respective presidential campaigns, the letter cites »

Mueller’s warning–and Hanson’s

Featured image Last week I linked to the McClatchy story by Peter Stone and Greg Gordon reporting that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has evidence that Michael Cohen — President Trump’s personal lawyer — visited Prague in the summer of 2016, just as it says right there in the dodgy Steele Dossier. Cohen to the contrary notwithstanding via Twitter (below), the response to this story among political journalists and other observers was nigh »

Good News! Hillary’s Still Talking!

Featured image And boy is she mad. Appearing this week at Rutgers University, Her Ladyship complained once again of sexism, claiming that no one has ever asked losing Democratic male candidates for president to shut up: “I was really struck by how people said that to me – you know, mostly people in the press, for whatever reason – mostly, ‘Go away, go away,'” Clinton said Thursday during an event at Rutgers »

Stormy reflections

Featured image Donald Trump is to the Obama era as Jimmy Carter was to the Nixon era. His presidency could not exist without it. Whereas Obama preserved the outward forms of the presidency as head of state, he broke the forms in substance as head of government. By contrast, Trump breaks the outward forms as head of state while working to restore the substance as head of government. Beyond Obama, however, last »

Thoughts from the ammo line

Featured image Ammo Grrrll revises James Carville (whodat?!) in IT’S THE ARROGANCE, STUPID! Thank you, Ammo Grrrll, I needed this: “All of a sudden white women, who were going to vote for me and frankly standing up to the men in their lives and the men in their workplaces, were being told, ‘She’s going to jail. You don’t want to vote for her. It’s terrible, you can’t vote for that.’ So, it »

Hillary’s horse feathers

Featured image In “Horse Feathers,” Groucho Marx plays the president/football coach of Huxley College. During half time of the game between Huxley and arch-rival Darwin, Groucho gives a pep talk to the players of. . .Darwin. His son informs him that he’s talking to the wrong team. Groucho responds, “I know, but my team wouldn’t listen.” Hillary Clinton has been dispensing political commentary in India and the Netherlands. Her country, and even »

Help her (or not)

Featured image Hillary Clinton gives new meaning to the phrase “the girl can’t help it,” made famous by Little Richard among others. She proved as much again in India, prompting Democrats still actively peddling their wares to profess their readiness to move on — unfortunately for us. Michael Ramirez (@Ramireztoons) captures one of the essential truths of Madam Hillary in his March 18 cartoon “Fallen Hillary” (below). Ramirez credits Justin Caruso’s Daily »

Dumbest Headlines of the Day

Featured image In doing my usual scan of the morning’s news I thought I had spotted easily the dumbest headline of the day in the Washington Post: Talk about first world problems! But I underestimated the possibilities, because, to paraphrase Han Gruber in that greatest of all Christmas movies (Die Hard), ladies and gentlemen, I give you Hillary. Rodham. Clinton: Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is providing an explanation for controversial comments »

Hillary 2020! [Updated]

Featured image Somewhere in the last day or two I happened across an article online somewhere speculating that Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee again in 2020, because she’s the ultimate victim (of Russian hacking, Trump’s mendacity, whatever), and since the Democrats prize victimhood as the highest credential these days, she’s the obvious standard bearer. Plus, she’s a Clinton, with a Gollum-like fanaticism for precious power. Who can doubt that she »

Enter the Grassley memo 2.0

Featured image Earlier this week I posted the heavily redacted memo released by Senators Grassley and Graham referring Christopher Steele for possible prosecution. As I noted at the time, Senator Grassley “call[ed] on the FBI to update the classification of the referral to allow complete disclosure of important context from the documents on which it is based.” A less redacted version of the memo was released yesterday evening together with the text »

Green Weenie of the Week: Madam Hillary

Featured image No sooner do I throw up my hands in despair of finding new and plausible winners of Power Line’s coveted Green Weenie Award (we don’t give these out to just anybody, you know: there’s a rigorous review committee) than we get an obvious winner: Madam Hillary herself. You know the old joke about how the liberal media would cover the end of the world: “World To End Tomorrow: Women and »