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Steve_Filipovic Nov 22
Replying to @johndowney @dan613
we aren't weighing it? We are measuring the amount of solar & reflected heat energy they can absorb! score's 1 in this, water scores 8.5 scores .01? tiny fraction of what can do yet alarm protrays it as enemy number 2?
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UN Climate Change Nov 30
Eight major energy companies pledge to curb emissions Launch new initiative to address challenges arising from climate change
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Steve_Filipovic Nov 24
Replying to @johndowney
sure it is? unsaturated I believe, strong ? nope! at less than 2 parts per million its not an issue based in reality
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ESA EarthObservation Dec 1
will map pollutants such as , , & , all of which affect the air we breathe & our climate. Even at this early stage in the mission’s life, these exceed expectations:
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Paul Beckwith Nov 21
The latest research in 2017 found that the Global Warming Potential (GWP) of methane is really 96x over 20 years, and is 34x over 100 years...
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Lindsay Brown Nov 30
Replying to @Lidsville
Over & over I see people saying they'll never vote NDP again if Horgan passes . I believe it, because I voted NDP but never will again if they approve the corrupt BC Liberal boondoggle of a dam.
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TXsharon 11h
Reusing waste might seem like a good idea at first. But there is a devil or two in the details. Even if you work out the devils, there's still the leakage and a few other problems.
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Steve_Filipovic Nov 22
There is no in alarm, their most basic assumption is the lie of being a catalyst for Warming,their pegs it at 40% w at 1.7 ppm 4-9%? water played down bc it rains? Insanity? What do you think?
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Companies Vs Climate Nov 30
We need to keep an eye on , but we must focus on short-lived pollutants first, says !
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Chem.Info Nov 30
Getting A Better Handle On Emissions From Livestock
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Maltings Organic Nov 27
These amazing little fellows help produce in our facility – they also live inside you and are responsible for your own gas output too!
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Matt Whitney Nov 29
Industrial Measurement conference, hosted by , kicks off with a fantastic keynote from
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Steve_Filipovic Nov 22
Replying to @johndowney @dan613
you do see them say 1.7 ppm - 4-9% of potential? You do realize thats a huge exaggeration don't you! & water at 10-50,000 ppm Thats 5%! wow another upgrade for my picture add 15,000 more Soccerballs!
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Lazarus Nov 26
Don't forget large herds of cattle are to blame for global warming as well, because they are farting around 😂
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Crim Radio Nov 30
Now playing - on Crim Radio
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Sputnik Nov 22
Anomalous -rich 45P could be key to understanding origins of life
Reply Retweet Like Nov 28
Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula reveals a cryptic -fueled ecosystem in flooded caves
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MobiTrash Nov 30
from rotting food is 23 times worse than which is very to it to
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Hannah E. MURDOCK Nov 28
'Dodgy' greenhouse gas data threatens Paris accord
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Scott J. Davidson Nov 28
Third and final paper from my PhD is now online: Upscaling fluxes using high-resolution imagery in ecosystems
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