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BarbaraAnnM May 16
Is it just me or does this picture look photoshopped.
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USGS Volcanoes🌋 May 15
Summary of VAN/VONA: Ash eruption at summit has increased in intensity. NWS radar & pilot reports show top of the ash cloud is as high as 10,000-12,000 feet above sea level. Ashfall and vog has been reported in Pahala (18 mi downwind).
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James Reynolds 20h
Important message before I tweet any more - COME VISIT HAWAII!! This eruption is only affecting a very small area. If you had a trip planned don’t cancel, local tourism is suffering (not helped by some sensationalized media reports no doubt!)
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Kathleen Madigan May 17
Hawaii's volcano just blew its lid and not one news channel is covering it. Yeah, a STATE is erupting. Are there zero program directors anymore.
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Marshall Shepherd May 17
neat graphic shared by on Hawaiian Islands basically showing how they are a series of volcanoes of different ages.
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Rob h May 17
A state in the United States has a volcano erupting and people losing everything and it is not trending. SAD!!!
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x-CJ Moose ⚒🌋 May 17
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Robert Granata May 17
How is it that, with weeks of warnings, no MSN stations have reporters or cameras reporting this live?
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Alicia May 20
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USGS Volcanoes🌋 May 17
alert May 17 5:00AM HST: reports an Explosive Eruption at Kilauea's Summit has occurred. The resulting ash plume will cover the surrounding area. The wind will carry the plume toward the southeast. improves.
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USGS Volcanoes🌋 May 21
We're now posting FAQs on various topics related to the eruption as Notes on Facebook. The first (General Questions) is up at . We will continue to answer questions and comments here and on Facebook, but always check the FAQs first!
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USGS Volcanoes🌋 22h
Replying to @solonelsabio
That is incorrect on both counts. The Big Island is composed of 5 different volcanoes, none of which experience huge explosions. The current eruptive activity is normal for and has happened before: ,
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USGS Volcanoes🌋 May 22
We'll be automatically posting "mini-updates" more frequently to this channel. You can also find them on our website for .
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Aidan Thornbury May 17
Drop the Russia story and the wedding! No one cares! Cover the real story of a volcano in the US erupting and shooting ash 30,000 feet in the air!
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USGS Volcanoes🌋 May 17
We are aware the website is down - traffic is overloading our servers at the moment. We are doing our best to get it up and running again and we will post all official updates (in summary form if necessary) here and on Facebook.
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USGS Volcanoes🌋 May 23
Please be aware that we testing a new system for short, automatic updates that don’t necessarily include links. (We are also not manning Twitter 24/7 - our scientists do need to sleep!)
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Erik Klemetti May 21
KÄ«lauea had a number of firsts over the weekend: the lava reached the ocean, a man was injured by lava spatter and andesite(?!) was confirmed to have erupted from Fissure 17. Here are all the details (Image: USGS):
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Zach Covey May 17
The Volcano in Hawaii has undergone an explosive eruption according to the USGS. The National Weather Service has issued an Ashfall Advisory for up to a quarter inch of ash accumulation.
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USGS Volcanoes🌋 May 16
Please refrain from spreading messages like this. is responsible for issuing all evacuation notices. A "major eruption" for will NOT look like a large explosive eruption at a stratovolcano, and is unlikely to affect the entire island.
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AstroSapiens May 17
It is easy to see the activity on Hawaii’s Volcano from . We hope those in the vicinity of the eruption can stay out of harm’s way.
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