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JCorrado May 17
is way more active than my sex life
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MAS DES May 22
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G. Lëfty Davidsöhn May 17
Prayers for our fellow citizens of Volcanoes are serious.
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Brad Starks May 22
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Steve Rudin ABC7 May 23
Keeping it real - a little perspective.
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Brent Toderian 20h
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Stars and Stripes May 18
National Guard Whistleblowers Warn Friends, Family Of Imminent Power-Plant Explosion, MEGA Tsunami to follow. "A friend that works with our Civil Defense shared to just be prepared [be]cause the data is going OFF THEIR CHARTS, setting off all kind [of] bells at work."
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Hunnam & Hedlund May 23
On set with Charlie Hunnam! 📷 Alana_marieee
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Anthony Quintano May 22
Some new photos from our location in lower Puna near fissure 22
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Shepard Smith 22h
BLUE FLAMES: officials in say volcano is emitting methane gas, which is turning the flames blue. They released this photo showing them spouting from cracks in the road.
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Anthony Quintano May 20
This was an open cow pasture with tall grass just a few days ago.
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#Thinker 🌀 May 17
Unbelievable.. turn volume up....Listen to the sound.
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Lvrd Dave May 21
Worked with on this one. Dropping this Friday 8pm.
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Stars and Stripes May 18
Whistleblower Hilo may explode within 48 hours Which may cause Earthquakes, Mega Tsunamis Could effect all islands May only have 20 minutes to get to high ground NG is getting called up now. Public hasn't been notified yet
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Alicia May 19
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Jenna-Halley Brooks 💎 May 20
Researchers captured dramatic footage of a steady stream of lava pouring from the volcano in .The heat of the as it flowed into the sea triggered explosions, which threw debris back onto the top of the cliff. (2017)
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G. Jeffrey MacDonald May 22
To augment my stable of great writers, I’m looking to hire experienced kickass correspondents in SubSaharan and other spots to cover big religion stories & write smart pieces for . Who’s out there? Let’s talk.
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Clay Trauernicht May 22
There are about 1 million acres (c. 800k ha) of nonnative grasslands and shrublands in , sitting there like giant wicks that let fires rip up into watershed forests
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James Reynolds 17h
And now we have a summit eruption
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Tom Hall ☘ May 20
Lava pouring into seawater causes . Beautiful & Deadly. 🌊 🌋 💨
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