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Strange Sounds
Strange Sounds reports and features amazing, weird and unexpected phenomena happening around the world. Be curious!
Strange Sounds 5h
Cassini beams back the closest EVER images of Saturn – And nobody knows what the are via
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Strange Sounds 15h
Terrifying shelf engulfs Florida and turns day into night via
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Strange Sounds May 4
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Strange Sounds May 4
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Strange Sounds May 4
Historic floodings far from over across Missouri, Arkansas and Missouri via
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Strange Sounds May 4
Lungs produce or how did we miss such a crucial biological process this whole time? via
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Strange Sounds May 4
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Strange Sounds May 3
Andy Davidhazy Goes On A 2,600 Mile Hike And Takes A Selfie At Every Mile Pacific crest trail via
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Strange Sounds May 3
Crazy Airplane Crash caught on dash cam video via
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Strange Sounds May 3
Big Dipper over Atacama Desert in Chile captured by Yuri Beletsky on May 1, 2017. Awesome!
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Strange Sounds May 3
Giant X-ray ‘Tsunami’ Wave Found in Perseus Galaxy Cluster (Video) via
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Strange Sounds May 3
650 aftershocks recorded off , Chile since M6.9 on April 25, 2017 via
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Strange Sounds May 3
Lightning kills 32 cows in – Farmer finds them ‘piled on top of each other’ via
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Strange Sounds May 3
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Strange Sounds May 2
Is A Tsunami Against the USA Plausible? Russian Retired Colonel Says YES via
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Strange Sounds May 2
Mystery Kills 12 in Liberia After Attending Funeral For leader in Greenville via
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Strange Sounds May 2
Meteorite hunters find 14 kilos of space rocks in Iran desert via
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Strange Sounds May 2
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Strange Sounds May 1
Don’t worry! A Gigantic Lake Of Molten Carbon The Size Of Mexico Sits Under via
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Strange Sounds May 1
Mysterious burning grounds kill one and create panic among residents in India via
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