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Strange Sounds
Strange Sounds reports and features amazing, weird and unexpected phenomena happening around the world. Be curious!
Strange Sounds 18h
Cars fly and start floating in the air of Kurdistan... What's going on there? via
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Strange Sounds 19h
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Strange Sounds 19h
Destructive kills 4 in Tiquipaya, where days of have left thousands of people , fields underwater and houses destroyed (video and pictures) via
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Strange Sounds 20h
Huge swallows road on a construction site killing 8 people in , (video and pictures) via
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Strange Sounds Feb 8
Replying to @adrimarcotulli
yes, and probably all around the world!
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Strange Sounds Feb 8
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Strange Sounds Feb 8
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Strange Sounds Feb 8
Eiffel Tower closed as biggest since 1987 paralyzes , causing a record 700km (430 miles) of traffic jams via
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Strange Sounds Feb 8
Two mysterious crack walls of buildings in – Terrified residents run for their lives – Source unknown via
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Strange Sounds Feb 7
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Strange Sounds Feb 7
Snow dunes: Second in a month covers sand in desert of – And the Sahara hoar frost are just baffling via
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Strange Sounds Feb 7
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Strange Sounds Feb 6
Large disintegrates over , , and – Another explodes over on February 5, 2018 via Shower Tonight
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Strange Sounds Feb 6
Powerful and shallow M6.4 hits , causing to collapse in and damaging roads, sidewalks and bridges ( and ) via
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Strange Sounds Feb 6
Tracks from giant trucks found on the surface of ’s during flyover via
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Strange Sounds Feb 6
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Strange Sounds Feb 6
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Strange Sounds Feb 6
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Strange Sounds Feb 5
If you’ve ever seen a photo of a disposal squad in thick , aka bomb suits, then you’ve probably asked yourself if the officer can survive a close or very close . This recorded in shows it live… via
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Strange Sounds Feb 5
Taps run dry in crisis cities from Cape Town to Kabul via
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Strange Sounds Feb 5
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Strange Sounds Feb 5
The Berlin Wall has now been down longer than it was up: 28 years, two months and 27 days via
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Strange Sounds Feb 4
Look at these fish shaking during the M6.1 in on February 4, 2018
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Strange Sounds Feb 4
Lunar over (, January 31, 2018).
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Strange Sounds Feb 3
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Strange Sounds Feb 3
River in turns biblical blood and the experts are clueless, terrifying residents in (videos and pictures) via
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Strange Sounds Feb 3
Hundreds of mysteriously drop DEAD from the above , like in a film via
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Strange Sounds Feb 3
Globally, about 90 per cent of people are righties. But why aren't there more lefties? via
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Strange Sounds Feb 3
Venice without water: helplessly abandoned on dried-up in after water levels are the lowest since records began – and it has not stopped sinking yet... via
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Strange Sounds Feb 3
Mysterious waking up people at night are increasing again in the but nobody knows why via
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