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Yahoo Finance 7 Std.
Facebook's cryptocurrency project is called Calibra, will launch in 2020 by
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Yahoo Finance 23 Std.
Highlight: "We’ll see if Huawei uses its relationships with the U.S companies to pressure the U.S. government," says on Huawei saying the U.S. pressure will cost the company $30 billion in lost sales over two years.
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Yahoo Finance 17. Juni
Highlight: on launching in China: "They're really trying to fight between: How can we maximize the profit from China versus how can we fight back against politicians who are saying we're helping the Chinese government?"
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Yahoo Finance 17. Juni
Highlight: on Tim Cook's commencement speech at Stanford University: "He really hammered Big Tech on responsibility and what they've created, and how they can't kind of atone for that."
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Yahoo Finance 17. Juni
Highlight: will be using for delivery. "This is going to be table stakes," says. "When you have customers using their mobile phones to do the mobile order, you also have to keep up with the delivery."
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Yahoo Finance 13. Juni
Highlight: "I'm not a huge fan of this company, because I feel like they've been the most irresponsible of all the social media platforms," says about , "and they'd be an even bigger threat and a bigger problem if they were bigger."
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Yahoo Finance 12. Juni
Highlight: CEO and author on companies using AI for efficiency: "What do consumers want? They really want to go to one place — maybe it's the web or the app — quickly ask something, and get it done. ... That's how customer service should work." Full interview:
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Yahoo Finance 12. Juni
Highlight: "I'm a little bit let down," confesses about the E3 2019 conference, adding "the conference had a lot of talk of going in about cloud gaming. ... It's all about 'when are we going to get rid of physical disks? When are we going to go to the cloud?'"
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Yahoo Finance 12. Juni
Highlight: "They're just kind of evolving their lobbying shop, just to make sure they're focused more on not getting hit as hard, or potentially at all, by any antitrust matters," says about revamping its lobbying and public affairs teams.
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Yahoo Finance 12. Juni
Highlight: "It's good news [Elon Musk] said there's no demand problem for the Model 3," says about the CEO's latest comments. "That's been a concern of analysts ... For Tesla at this point, it's no longer about promising. It's about delivering."
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Yahoo Finance 11. Juni
Highlight: on Apple's trade war plan: "Foxconn is saying if there's some kind of escalation in the trade war that would impact Apple's iPhones, they would be able to shift their manufacturing outside of mainland China to avoid any issues with tariffs going forward."
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Yahoo Finance 10. Juni
Highlight: "Part of the problem is a lot of folks don't know how to manage their data, visualize data, use that data to make business decisions really well," Constellation Research Principal Analyst and Founder says. Full interview:
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Yahoo Finance 10. Juni
Highlight: A new study estimates that Google made $4.7 billion last year from news. “We did this study because the consistent message we’ve received… is that news doesn’t matter much to them as a business,” says . “We’ve never believed that’s true.” Full interview:
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Yahoo Finance 10. Juni
Highlight: “So far these companies really haven’t been fined by the U.S. government,” says about Washington cracking down on big tech. “All the fines have been coming from Europe previously.”
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Yahoo Finance 10. Juni
Highlight: on the government going after Big Tech: “It’s very unclear that when the government — or if the government — goes after these big companies that… they will get smaller, or… they will get less powerful… Where it goes is really anyone’s question.”
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Yahoo Finance 10. Juni
Highlight: “You’re going to have a lot of content over the next several years, beyond the original programming slate at Disney+… the premium price point certainly makes sense,” media analyst says on the upcoming AT&T streaming service that includes HBO and Cinemax.
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Yahoo Finance 10. Juni
Highlight: "Facebook is looking at a $5 billion fine from the FTC but that's really an anomaly," says. "If this becomes a new pattern, that's a whole new front in the war against Big Tech ... I think breaking up companies [might] be a real positive if you're an investor."
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Yahoo Finance 14. Juni
Highlight: San Fransisco-based Skupos Co-Founder explains how the company provides data analytics for the convenience retail industry:
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Yahoo Finance 14. Juni
Highlight: "The total available market for collaboration [with Microsoft] is tremendous, and I think Slack can continue to grow," ’s says about the Slack IPO. "The real question mark is: Can they make a profit?" Full comments:
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Yahoo Finance 14. Juni
Highlight: "I think this is actually a move by Facebook to build some credibility," Chairman and co-Founder says about 's cryptocurrency. "This is more than just a trend. This is a seminal moment in the blockchain space."
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