

News from The New York Times about deals and those who make and break them.

New York, NY
Vrijeme pridruživanja: listopad 2008.


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  1. prije 9 minuta

    S.&P.’s move, spurred by a borrowing spree that it said threatens the world’s No. 2 economy, comes a sensitive time

  2. prije 25 minuta

    When the White House unveils details of its tax plan, one group of taxpayers will be under the microscope: the rich

  3. prije 43 minute

    Car buyers need to be vigilant after major storms

  4. prije 1 sat

    There are signs that Facebook is starting to understand its power and responsibility, writes

  5. prije 1 sat

    First come the hurricane and flooding. Then come the cars being put up for sale without any notice of flood damage

  6. prije 2 sata

    “I lived in daily fear lest the monster whom I had created should perpetrate some new wickedness.”

  7. prije 2 sata

    Do basic due diligence and use a discerning eye to avoid buying a car that has been flooded without your knowledge

  8. prije 2 sata

    Facebook's admission reminds of a moment in Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein.”

  9. prije 3 sata

    Is Facebook too big to understand all of the harmful ways people might use its products? From :

  10. prije 3 sata

    Facebook was simply not built to handle some of the problems emerging with the social network, writes

  11. prije 12 sati

    How TPG wants to help its companies protect Dreamers, Google's big HTC deal, and other stories in Morning Agenda

  12. prije 13 sati

    Google bets on smartphone hardware again, Preet Bharara is back, and other top stories on Morning Agenda.

  13. proslijedio/la je Tweet

    China's economy is bubbling along nicely on the surface ahead of the 19th congress. But the debt just keeps building

  14. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 14 sati

    Toshiba has reached a tentative deal to sell its chip unit to a group led by Bain Capital. The end of its long saga?

  15. prije 14 sati

    The new E.U. tax proposals broadly aim to tax internet companies in the countries where they generate their business

  16. prije 14 sati

    Tata Steel and ThyssenKrupp hope a merged steel venture will be better equipped to tackle challenges in the industry

  17. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 15 sati

    Europe is renewing its offensive on Silicon Valley with tax reforms designed to target tech companies

  18. prije 15 sati

    Tata Steel and ThyssenKrupp have agreed to merge their European operations, creating a regional steel giant

  19. prije 15 sati

    "Here we have white collar and blue collar. I said a new collar will start: that is metal collar."

  20. prije 15 sati

    The outrage over the Equifax hack has people wanting the company punished. How likely is that? Not very

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