• libel


    It is now three years since I had to defend myself for five days in the High Court with Melanie Byng against a series of claims that we had defamed Angel Garden and Steve Paris. We were sued over a blog post I wrote, a handful of tweets and Melanie retweeting a tweet from Maria MacLachlan. The High Court found completely in our favour and dismissed all the claims. Defending your self in a libel trial is not easy or cheap. We had spent over a year going through the pre-trial procedures, disclosures and mediation attempts. We came close to settling a few weeks [read more...]

What Every Parent Should Know About Steiner-Waldorf Schools

by Andy Lewis in Bad Charity 472

You may know my feelings about Steiner/Waldorf Schools*. Most importantly, that prospective parents are not being told about the occult foundations of the Steiner philosophy. You may think that the mystical, spiritual and esoteric movement behind Steiner schools might be a very important factor in deciding whether your children should [read more...]

What the Steiner Waldorf School Movement did not want you to read.

by Andy Lewis in featured 134

Earlier this month, Grégoire Perra was finally acquitted in a French court after the Federation of Waldorf  Steiner Schools in France decided to sue Grégoire Perra, a former Steiner teacher, for publishing a critique of the schools and the anthroposophy movement. The trial appears to have collapsed as the court accepted that [read more...]