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MPCX Platform May 23
We are passionate about MPCX and working hard at lightning speed!⚡️⚡️⚡️
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Christina Wakes May 22
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laura duff May 22
Times have been tough this year, but happy to have a smile on my face today for first time in ages!!
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be_you_brands May 19
One day it’s ALL going to PAY OFF! ✨💎
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Motivational Quotes May 22
“If you really want something, and really work hard, and take advantage of opportunities, and never give up, you will find a way.” -- Jane Goodall
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FitChick May 22
I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have. ☘️ --Thomas Jefferson
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The Workout Journal May 20
🎥SKIT #1 🎥 ➡️Someone is hogging EVERYTHING in the gym you're trying to use!? THE WORST!🤬😡
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Eugene Gonzales May 23
Ranked # 1 MTD and ranked # 3 QTD out of 121 Bankers all over the district. 🤗🤗🤗
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Emma Spillane May 20
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jf May 22
To quote : If you want extraordinary results, you must do extraordinary work. Or as my late mom said, "Perfect practice makes perfect."
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Kaysa Stone May 17
Lots of strategizing today while playing games with our community partner at William Place!
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KatEyeMedia May 21
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Cryosauna May 17
Atheists like @gavinedwards21 basketball player for @chibajets_official Japan tried our new model unit for better after workout !
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Heather Emde May 21
Happy Monday! Super nervous excited for today! Please wish me all the luck as I start a new adventure! So thankful to know The Nutrition Group has my back today 💖
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Lamissah La-Shontae May 16
On location .. getting ready in wardrobe 🎬🎬🎬 Absolutely love this place so much .. just had a guided tour .. its stunning..
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cam May 15
At the age of 18, I married the love of my life, have a job that I love, and upgraded to a new 2018 Mustang Premium and tbh I’m just living my best left
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Sara Figueiredo May 22
Finally got my hands on this one 😊 it was inspiring to listen to your advice so looking forward to reading this.
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AAKAV May 17
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Witness Fitness May 19
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Amelia Beh May 21
Just finished Mindy's book and this part has stuck with me. "But entitlement in and of itself isn't so bad. Entitlement is simply the belief that you deserve something. Which is great. The hard part is, you'd better make sure you deserve it."
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