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Ed Krassenstein 6h
Smear my name. Claim I'm illegitimate. Create your own facts about me to gain followers. Unfollow me. Block me. BUT this is the only reason I RESIST! MY FAMILY!
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Uldouz 4h
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dogcicle 7h
[CNN] threatens him 24/7 [CNN] Q, please don't prosecute CNN and shut it down. Please. HAHA, just kidding, Shut those f.....s down.
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Cyrus McQueen 6h
I think the most important message mother’s and fathers can impress upon their daughters is: The way you look is never gonna change this world... but the way you think IS...
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Luna Lovegood ✨💥✨ 9h
Love that conquers Hate Peace that rises triumphant over War Justice that proves more powerful than Greed
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Donald J. Trump 4h
Today I met President Moon J-Inn of the Republic of Korea! 🇱🇷🇰🇵 For over an hour, he showed me (with TERRIFIC PowerPoint slides) that NORTH Korea is a COMPLETELY DIFFRENT country then SOUTH Korea. Therefore, I will NO LONGER threaten to attack SOUTH Korea.
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Gamora🔥💖 7h
Trump's disgrace: 👉Operating a campaign riddled with foreign agents 👉Pushing any lie to win, regardless of damage 👉Degradation of common decency 👉Violating the United States Constitution 👉Putting his profit above people
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♻️💙🇺🇸 Christopher Zullo 8h
Government should protect people and regulate corporations, not protect corporations and regulate people. Republican tax cuts weren’t about helping middle class. 1% receive 34% of benefits. Top 20% receive 70%. Income inequality is the greatest threat to freedom
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ΛᄂIПΛ 5h
In November, it will be 2 years since Trump was elected. 2 fucking years. I can't believe it.
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Officer Morton 7h
If I spend 30 minutes listening to music in my car, in the gym parking lot.. Does it still count as a a successful gym trip?
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Inward Voice ℹ 9h
The Word of God in Matthew 4 Reminds Us.. In order to live We should not hunger For earthly food 🍞 alone ! We must hunger For every Word ⚔🛡 That proceedes From the mouth of God Teaching us.. That we will find Life ! In The Word of God 📖 RT:To agree 🙏
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Empire 6h
What, or who, do you think Anika sees? 😱
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Nic Johnson 6h
Graduating from HS has finally begun to sink in. I constantly reminisce about the past 13 years and how school has shaped me as an individual (boy does time fly). I will truly miss this (now closed) chapter of my life. Time to move on to greater things!
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Lee Child 5h
"Writing is show business for shy people"
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CenturionPro 9h
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Pastor Greg Locke 8h
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Tommy Campbell 8h
Donald Trump "I don't know how or when, but it will work out. It always does." The only thing that could make Trump's comments on North and South Korea any stupider is if he had of opened it with, "I hereby demand..."
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. applauds 's doubling down on calling MS-13 animals: "Don't back down to these tyrants in the and their liberal buddies who want to pressure you into taking a weak-kneed approach towards the worst of the worst. They are animals."
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Nick Walden Poublon 6h
The Republicans have all kinds of morals and values that they will gladly pontificate on -- UNLESS...
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