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Paula White-Cain May 2
Be quick to forgive and don’t let the enemy get an advantage of you!!
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Motivational Quotes May 8
Learn to let go of the weight from the past to create a brighter future.
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Judge Lynn Toler Quotes May 7
"We all have a right to be angry. We all have a reason to be angry. I'm not telling you you're wrong or you're bad. I'm telling you you're being held hostage. And I want to set you free!" ~
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Willemijn Verkaik News May 5
Goosebumps. And that’s not because it’s windy over here... soundchecking
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Russell Hunnicutt May 7
Let karma deal with the things people do because hate in your heart will consume you too.
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Vanessa BecauseIJustDid Staley May 7
One day closer to being better. We got a bunch of boxes taken care of. Downsized the pile overtaking my room so much this weekend. I'm very satisfied with the work we accomplished. If stuff is in your life... is it making you happy? Is it serving a purpose? If not
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Ailsa Naismith May 9
Setting up on the third floor of Colston Hall ... looks like there's another Ailsa/Elsa at the exhibition!
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Jim Barwick May 5
Bumped into some Newcastle fans at Tamworth services. They instantly started moaning about Justin Whittle
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Ildy Modrovich May 7
BTS secret factoid: this first cut came in 13 minutes over time!!! Had to cut three whole scenes and all kinds of precious stuff. Here’s are pics from 2 of the deleted scenes. ☹️
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lex fears Apr 30
Y’all... we have 4 Monday’s left as HS seniors then into the real world we go. Stop starting rumors and just enjoy the time you have left. If you’re life is miserable, then put in the effort to make it better, but stop raining on other people’s parade ❗️ Enjoy it.
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Joe Dix May 5
One of the better flea market finds.
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Simply Judy 47m
So true! Stop holding down someone who isn't doing the same for you.. 😐😐
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The Day of Steve and Mr. Porg May 2
I am definitely getting a copyright notice on this next video...
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Stanley Gabriel May 6
We’re all just trying to figure it out. And sometimes our fear lead the way. Here’s to love leading the way.
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Inspire3 May 5
Are you holding onto something that you need to let go of? What is it? 💥 Are you willing to let go today?
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Cyndi Wells Platfoot 15h
if Chris can get along with Matt maybe you cud stop rolling your eyes or smirking everytime Matt or Caryn come up in convo. It's time to stop harping on what happened in the past, we kno, we saw. Be happy but don't chose Chris over your kids.
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kingKayGh🇬🇭 May 8
We have to stop letting our bad past relationships ruin our chances of being in a good relationship 😔😟🧐
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LocLac🧢 May 7
Replying to @khmerteaabg
Unfortunately, there are some sad people out there that would rather portray you as the bad person, just so they don’t feel guilty for the shit they put you through.
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The Political Pug May 9
Iran nuke deal cancelled North Korean hostages coming home Schneiderman exposed ISIS defeated - debatable 3.9% unemployment How can Liberals live with themselves? Especially my CHRISTIAN liberals?
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Geoffrey Locke 🐜 22h
He was making an ANCIENT joke that harkens back to the days of elevator attendants and them calling out the floors in a department store. She should just roll her eyes and know he made a bad joke, but no she has to make a spectacle.
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