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Grant Cardone Jul 6
Go the extra mile, there’s no one on it.
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Grant Cardone Jul 7
People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.
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Grant Cardone 5h
Tough times never last, but tough people do.
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Grant Cardone Jul 1
Increase your responsibility level, assume control for everything that happens to you, and live by the slogan that nothing happens to you—only because of you! And remember, “Don’t be a little bitch.” GC
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Grant Cardone Jul 2
The only way to handle criticism is to foresee it as an element of your success formula. Much like fear, it’s a sign that you are making the right moves in the right volumes, getting enough attention, and making enough of a splash. GC
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Grant Cardone 17h
The word “obsessed” tends to have a negative connotation because many people believe that obsession with something (or someone) is usually destructive or harmful. But show me one person who has achieved greatness without being obsessed on some level. GC
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Grant Cardone Jul 6
I would advise that when you do set your goals, take into account that you have been educated with restrictions. Be aware of this so that you don’t underestimate the possibilities. GC
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Grant Cardone Jul 2
Everything in life is a sale and everything you want is a commission.
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Grant Cardone Jul 2
Missing opportunities is what costs people money.
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Grant Cardone 11h
You may find the worst enemy or best friend in yourself.
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Grant Cardone Jul 3
There is a big difference between being busy and being productive.
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Grant Cardone Jul 5
If you don’t know how to close, you’ll be depending on hope, luck, and magic to make money.
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Grant Cardone Jul 5
Increasing your responsibility level will inherently enhance your ability to find solutions and create more success for yourself. GC
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The successful are willing to challenge tradition in order to discover new and better ways to accomplish their goals and dreams. GC
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Grant Cardone Jul 6
In life you don’t get what you are worth, you get what you negotiate. Learn how to close!
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Grant Cardone Jul 6
People optimistically overestimate how well things will go and then underestimate how much energy and effort it will take just to push things through. Anyone who has made it in business will support this concept. GC
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Grant Cardone Jul 2
It is so tempting to become content with your surroundings, daily rituals, and habits—most of which are probably not furthering your mission. It feels good when things are familiar. However, successful people are willing to put themselves in new and unfamiliar situations. GC
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Grant Cardone Jul 7
Now means now—not a minute from now. Start with first things first; make your initial list of goals, then a list of actions that will propel you in that direction. Then—without overthinking it—start taking those actions. GC
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