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Shane Mac
CEO . Chairman . Trying to make something outta nothing.
Shane Mac 2h
Replying to @SethGRosenberg
Sounds like a combination for a panic attack.
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Shane Mac retweeted
Actions on Google 7h
The most successful conversations are designed with error handling in mind from the start. With graceful error recovery, users are back on track in no time. Learn more here →
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Shane Mac May 23
The people you attract is the team you build. People don't think about this one enough. It's why made the GeekSquad cars & uniforms. It attracted geeks who loved technology and humble enough to wear rolled up pants and drive a beetle.
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Shane Mac May 23
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Shane Mac May 23
Not sure if he's talking about me but Please please please be insanely careful. Honestly it is not worth it in cities. At all. I promise. I'm still fighting to get my health back.
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Shane Mac May 22
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Shane Mac May 22
Replying to @SethGRosenberg
Sorry man
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Shane Mac May 20
Can anyone help with organ transplants?
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Shane Mac May 20
Thanks for sharing the story. The person who messaged me and Dr. Lee are the real heros. Here's the video from last night's story.
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Shane Mac retweeted
Lisa Amin Gulezian May 19
"I'm twitter for life and it saved my mom's life.' SF man thanks after a follower directed them to a specialist . A day later his mom was walking again @ 11PM
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Shane Mac May 19
Replying to @aristoniii
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Shane Mac May 19
I know. I couldn’t believe how much my surgeon was there last year. Thankful. Good perspective.
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Shane Mac May 18
Replying to @andymauro @Twitter
Thx homie
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Shane Mac May 18
Dear everyone who works at , you saved my mom’s life this week. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Here’s the story. Crying tears of joy today for my mom, all because I sent a tweet.
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Shane Mac May 18
Replying to @dtrinh @BrianNorgard
Brian: I figured out wittybot I’ve been thinking about for 2 years. Let me show it to you soon. It’s one of those seemingly looks funny toy but something bigger happening with all these language things.
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Shane Mac May 18
Replying to @chrismessina
Even when I just messaged you. I don’t know how many other friends are texting you. What you are doing right now. Etc. The phone will be infinite notifications. The bot will be Siri helping me manage them. Give me my time back. Never make me feel like I’ll miss out.
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Shane Mac May 18
Replying to @chrismessina
This is why I think the model is going to happen flipped. The bot will live on your side. Chris’s bot. You can throw infinite requests at it and if knows how you want to spend your time and handle escalation or snooze for you. Brands I really trust, win. Subscribe all.
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Shane Mac May 18
Replying to @AdamDraper
The best ones give other people the permission needed to do it on your team.
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Shane Mac retweeted
Jason M. Lemkin 🦄 May 18
One of the top career enablers can be when a CEO asks you to take on a project or role you don't really want to do Because it's probably important to her and a unplanned opportunity to learn
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Shane Mac May 18
The consumer bot focused on solving anxiety could be the next Google. Solve this inbound of everything and everyone wanting my attention. Remove my need to never want to leave anyone hanging. Keep people calm by keeping them informed. Slacks biggest opportunity imho.
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