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Desmond Dreckett - Small Biz Marketing Strategist 3h
SOMETIMES SUCCESS IS ABOUT WHAT YOU DON’T DO: • Don’t settle • Don’t procrastinate • Don’t hate • Don’t make excuses • Don’t envy • Don’t compete—dominate • Don’t compromise standards • Don’t complain • Don’t give up
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Gary Hensel 14h
Beauty starts in your head, not in your mirror. - Joubert Botha
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Tim Fargo 14h
Conquer yourself, rather than the world. - Descartes
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Desmond Dreckett - Small Biz Marketing Strategist 8h
A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song. - Maya Angelou
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Desmond Dreckett - Small Biz Marketing Strategist 11h
Life is pure adventure, and the sooner we realize that, the quicker we will be able to treat life as art. Maya Angelou
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Gary Hensel 4h
Don' t be afraid to fail. Be afraid not to try. - Brian Tracy  
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Louis Tomlinson News 4h
| "I was with the friend and we were just picking out some of the different things that he said and I don't wanna reveal so much - but it's really really his life and I can see him picturing it which is a beautiful thing to have as a songwriter" - Liam about Louis album.
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Sandy 6h
Sleeping is nice 🌙 You forget about everything for a little while 🙃    
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Takahiro Ohkawa 5h
Arrogance is the camouflage of insecurity. - Tim Fargo
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Desmond Dreckett - Small Biz Marketing Strategist 9h
The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.
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Desmond Dreckett - Small Biz Marketing Strategist 2h
Business is more exciting than any game. Max Aitken, Lord Beaverbrook
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Jamie Mustard 11h
Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. - Tony Robbins
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Desmond Dreckett - Small Biz Marketing Strategist 14h
You have to have courage to love somebody. Because you risk everything. Everything. Maya Angelou
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Bruce Glasgow 5h
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Novelty Gift Gallery 31m
Cats choose us; we don’t own them. -Kristin Cast
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Desmond Dreckett - Small Biz Marketing Strategist 45m
Greatness lives on the edge of destruction. Will Smith
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Tim Fargo 48m
People aren't going to be drawn to you if YOU aren't excited about you. -
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Tim Fargo 50m
We are shaped by our thoughts. We become what we think. - Buddha
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Art Carvajal Jr. 1h
A moment of patience in a moment of anger saves a thousand moments of regret.
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Nichola L Stephenson 1h
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