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Zak Rhemtulla May 20
I've contemplated coming out for a very long time. I can't hold it in any longer. I suffer from depression. Some days it's very mild and I can block it out. Other days it's very severe and affects me in the harshest of ways. Asking for your support & understanding.
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Laura Wheaton May 22
Because we all need to hear good news, my health scare was just that-a scare!! Iโ€™m not dying of anything today!! All my tests came back negative. It feels good to feel good!!
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Stephanie Zubcic PhD May 22
Raise your hand if you think more therapy dogs should be paired with people battling a mental health illness to help us make it through the day๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿพ ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ
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Estelle Beer May 20
Today I was not doing well. Very depressed and just wanted to hide in the house but a friend texted me to meet him for coffee and I said I just couldn't do it. He called and said he'd pick me up and I had 10 mins to get ready. We laughed and chatted. Smiling.
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SickNotWeak May 22
Step 1. Say 'I will fight for my happiness and I will do/try any treatment until I feel better. I will not quit.' - Michael Landsberg
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april70 May 21
When you cannot lift yourself lift another and find your strength by sharing.
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Michael Landsberg 7h
Depression seldom hits like a baseball bat rather itโ€™s a tiny tap where u feel nothing- until youโ€™re tapped a million times. One day u realize- I hurt, Iโ€™m changed, where did โ€˜meโ€™ go? Itโ€™s so gentle sometimes you need to step back and ask- am I Ok? Well, are you?
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thomas forth May 20
Depression beat me today... I let everyone in my family down. I can't remember feeling this low.
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Emily thorn May 20
I think this quote is self explanatory. I remember all the bad things that has effected me and my life. So many tragic events that still kill me deep inside. This quote is very true. What hurts is that I'm not alone. Many others understand.
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Lindsey May 20
To anyone in the community that is having a rough day.... hope this little munchkin makes you smile! ๐Ÿ˜
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Aviva May 14
This time 3 years ago I was hospitalized for attempting to take my own life. Now Iโ€™m grateful that Iโ€™m alive. The journey to wellness is taking longer than I had hoped, but baby steps happen along with setbacks.
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Depression Muse May 15
No mental health crises for me for almost a month! It's a record!!! My new mantra: Take care of myself.
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CAS May 20
, Anyone else ever find they 'crash' partway through a good day, even though they're having fun and there are no negative triggers, other than the fact positive things are happening?
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april70 May 21
Canadian holiday...friends be safe and enjoy the day. ๐Ÿ I am fighting depression and anxiety as well as a slew of problems. Head up...keep going. Moment to moment.
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Borderlineinwaterloo May 18
I'm no stronger/more courageous than those who lost their lives to . I, myself, had a belt around my neck last year. I don't condone it, but also don't put myself above anyone who has been in the depths of hell feeling there was no way out
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SickNotWeak May 21
What do you understand about depression?
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Gwynne Johnston May 17
โ€œIf you know someone whoโ€™s depressed, please resolve never to ask them why. Depression isnโ€™t a straightforward response to a bad situation; depression just is, like the weather.โ€ Stephen Fry
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Samara Ben-Reuven May 16
Nobody asks for a , the same way no one asks for cancer or diabetes. And you donโ€™t have to go through it in silence. Demand compassionate and timely help. You deserve it!
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FelonyGood-TonyBlawk 22h
I struggled to get out of bed today. I didn't shower but I got dressed. Is that a win? 'Cause I'm just not feeling it.
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Michael P-C May 19
It's was three years today that I tried to end my life. I'm shameful of my actions, however I will not let it define me. I work on being more in the present and not to look back in anger or look forward with anxiety (day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute).
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