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Popehat's Twitter feed. "Not intolerable." Views are solely Ken's fault. ken at popehat dot com
IHearYouHat 1 h
I mean, I get not agreeing that the Constitution recognizes rights granted by a creator. I just don't get freaking out every time someone articulates it like it's a new thing that hasn't been argued for 250 years.
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IHearYouHat 1 h
En resposta a @sarahjeong
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IHearYouHat 1 h
En resposta a @TheRickWilson
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IHearYouHat 1 h
En resposta a @KFILE
They don't have an enemy president any more. There always has to be a dangerous enemy to boost gun sales. Her videos are explicitly making the media, demonstraters, dissenters, and broadly "liberals" into an inherently dangerous enemy requiring self-defense.
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IHearYouHat 1 h
En resposta a @TheGodlessMama @ASRust
The distinction I tend to draw is between free speech advocates (like Sarah) and "free speech activists," who are generally white nationalist assholes.
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IHearYouHat 1 h
En resposta a @Ornery_Opinions @smats88
How so? Brad's description of how qualified immunity protects police officers is accurate. If teachers are armed at government request, why isn't it relevant to ask how their acts will be treated?
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IHearYouHat ha retuitat
andrew kaczynski🤔 2 h
School shooter threatened others with a gun, first host family told police
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IHearYouHat 2 h
Seems like a good day for some Yeats.
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IHearYouHat 2 h
En resposta a @TheClassyKrogan
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IHearYouHat ha retuitat
The Classy Krogan 2 h
Hey , I figured I should consult an expert: is there a legal term for people who argue that it violates the sanctity of the first amendment to criticize them for using racial slurs, but also that we should restrict violent media every time a mass shooting happens?
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IHearYouHat 2 h
En resposta a @ZenOfDesign
The NRA says that people who say things like that hate America and are a threat.
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IHearYouHat ha retuitat
Marina Amaral 2 h
Today marks the 75th anniversary of the death of Sophie Scholl. An anti-Nazi political activist, she was convicted of high treason after having been found distributing anti-war leaflets at the LMU with her brother, Hans. As a result, they were both executed by guillotine.
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IHearYouHat 2 h
En resposta a @hwestiii @jackshafer
The President of the United States is pushing it, with considerable support. We can't pretend it's not a danger. I think it's lunacy, but I also think pointing out the problems, one by one, in a rational tone, is the way to show it's lunacy.
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IHearYouHat 2 h
En resposta a @Justsomedust
That's where we are apparently.
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IHearYouHat 2 h
En resposta a @pbombach @ACLU
Yes, but yesterday extensively on Twitter.
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IHearYouHat 2 h
En resposta a @moorewr
And it would keep you in line, right?
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IHearYouHat 2 h
En resposta a @pbombach @ACLU
Discussed it a lot yesterday.
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IHearYouHat 2 h
Brad Heath asks the next question: if we arm teachers, do we immunize them from liability the way we do cops?
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IHearYouHat 2 h
En resposta a @ElDon78
You may be whatever you like.
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IHearYouHat 2 h
En resposta a @KFILE
r u kidding high level monks kick ass they have that quivering palm shit
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