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Bruno Lourenço Feb 25
Morphing animations should not be hard. I'm super excited to announce my -morph 🎉 Just define the From and To states with CSS, the rest is magic!
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Geoffroy Warin Feb 25
What I Did Wrong as a CTO - I spent one year as a CTO for a startup. Here are some technical decisions I came to regret and those that I would make again in my next project.
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Alex Reardon Feb 22
react-beautiful-dnd v5.0.0 just shipped 🔥 Highlights: - Great screen reader support - Auto scrolling of scrollable containers and the window with mouse, touch and keyboard!
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Alexandr Li Feb 25
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Shivek Khurana 2h
Really wanted to replace with the context api and created a lib for that :
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Clayton Ray Feb 23
I'm willing to someone on a weekly basis. I'd prefer to mentor someone starting out. RTs appreciated :-)
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Psyycker Feb 25
D3 : finishing an app is longer than I thought ! But is so great !
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Claudia 22h
Who uses React & Redux in combo with Typescript for their projects? And what do you like about it? I've been wondering wether to start with Typescript or not.
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Caissa Global 1h
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Ecex Exchange ICO - Ziggurat Token Feb 19
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Matt 10h
to - you guys are used heavily by for internal products.
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Philip Ackermann 18m
✨🎉✨ New feature: Rest properties for objects in ✨🎉✨
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Bergé Greg 3h
React Hot Loader v4.0.0 is released 🎉 🎉 ESNext + TypeScript + React 16 support 📦 Webpack + Parcel support ✂️ Component splitting support 😛 Zero config 🐛 + 30 bugs fixed Upgrade now ⚛️⚡️
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Anson McCade AUS Feb 23
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Damien K. Sedgwick Feb 25
community... what’s your favourite way with dealing with contact forms?? Let me know 🤙
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Tzook Bar Noy Feb 25
looking into styled components what is best practices to handle screen sizes like in css "@ media" selector ? Thanks!
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FBE Feb 19
Props to the people who took these pictures! 10 perfectly timed photos with teens on !
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AngularCamp {JS} Feb 23
Want to help us make this years conference the best of its kind yet? We would like to hear from you! Call for Papers is open until March 15th, 2018, midnight CET. Join us this summer in Barcelona!
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Adriano Raiano 1h
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Abel & Cain 15m
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