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Open source multiprotocol messaging broker. For technical Qs: . GitHub:
RabbitMQ Feb 5
ICYMI Most notable changes in RabbitMQ 3.7
RabbitMQ Feb 5
What’s New in RabbitMQ 3.7
RabbitMQ Feb 1
php-amqplib 2.7.1 is released
RabbitMQ Feb 1
Lastly, please move away from rabbitmq-clusterer when you have a chance. The problem it originally was developed to solve are now addressed in the core 3.7 has .
RabbitMQ Feb 1
Major RabbitMQ versions and incompatible Erlang/OTP versions can be upgraded using a strategy called blue/green deployments, see .
RabbitMQ Feb 1
Minor and even major Erlang versions can be compatible, recent RabbitMQ versions only check for an internal protocol version instead of major.minor in version number.
RabbitMQ Jan 30
RabbitMQ 3.7.3 is released
RabbitMQ Jan 29
A couple of new RabbitMQ doc guides shipped recently
RabbitMQ Jan 29
php-amqplib is approaching a new release. Please help us test this RC: .
RabbitMQ Jan 26
We tested a few workloads with and without KPTI, the solution to mitigate the Meltdown attack on Linux. You can find our results on the mailist-list:
RabbitMQ Jan 25
How to secure a RabbitMQ installation from the ROBOT TLS attack
RabbitMQ Jan 25
RabbitMQ 3.7.3-rc.2 is available for community testing
RabbitMQ Jan 25
Our user survey is wrapping up tomorrow. Please participate if you haven’t already, it only takes a few minutes :)
RabbitMQ Jan 24
Replying to @oscargodson
this has been addressed. Keep in mind that you can also download packages from GitHub release pages (e.g. ) and use repositories at .
RabbitMQ Jan 24
Replying to @CPunella
we'd love to learn more. Would you like to fill out our user survey? It will only take a few minutes: .
RabbitMQ Jan 24
Replying to @bintray
confirmed. Thank you.
RabbitMQ Jan 24
While our repository is rate-limited packages can be obtained from () and GitHub ()
RabbitMQ Jan 24
we've contacted support about rate-limiting. No response in an hour. What can we do to speed up the process? Our main package distribution channel has been down for at least 2 hours now.
RabbitMQ Jan 24
Replying to @oscargodson
RabbitMQ Jan 24
Please note that the RabbitMQ organization is currently rate-limited. We are working with them to resolve this as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience!
RabbitMQ Jan 22
Replying to @hoetmaaiers
the website is open source , tutorials also have a repo with runnable versions . Thank you for contributing!
RabbitMQ Jan 19
Replying to @smjain
Our mailing list is a better place for technical questions. If we oversimplify, except for initial sync of new/recovered nodes, all replication is asynchronous.
RabbitMQ Jan 17
Replying to @concourseci
…with some help from , of course!
RabbitMQ Jan 17
Meet our new release engineer, Zen, who's just produced a 3.6.15!
RabbitMQ Jan 16
Dear RabbitMQ community, we'd like to learn more about how you use RabbitMQ. It will only take a few minutes!
RabbitMQ Jan 15
Dear RabbitMQ community: we'd like to learn more about how you use RabbitMQ
RabbitMQ Jan 11
Replying to @webdevilopers
Execute "rabbitmqadmin --help" to see a list of options. You can specify username and password via -u and -p or their long equivalents --username= and --password=
RabbitMQ Jan 8
RabbitMQ 3.6.15 RC1 is available for community testing. Please give it a try!
RabbitMQ Jan 3
The recording of and ’s talk on some important changes we’ve been working on for RabbitMQ 4.0 is available on YouTube
RabbitMQ Jan 1
We hope you had a wonderful holiday season! Our team starts the year with a RabbitMQ 3.7.2 release: .