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Deb Escher
Brand, digital, marketing & mobile gal. Name comer-upper. Creative-lover. Do-gooder. Traveler. Mama to 2 kids. I cook, eat & drink the good stuff in #Seattle.
Deb Escher 2h
nice to meet you tonight!
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Kyle Stokes 2h
Of 100 or so here, maybe two-thirds at bd mtg with lunch/recess concerns.
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Deb Escher ha retuitejat
Kyle Stokes 2h
Lunch/recess solutions in are “not something that can wait until 2015,” Whittier Elem parent Deb Escher tells board.
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Deb Escher ha retuitejat
Kyle Stokes 2h
Shout-out to from who says her reporting on recess brought the issue first to light.
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Deb Escher ha retuitejat
Leah Todd 2h
Sue Peters, Public Schools board member: "My own children come from with lunches that are half eaten, or barely eaten at all."
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Deb Escher ha retuitejat
Leah Todd 2h
Parent from 's Leschi Elementary now asking school district for district-wide recess policy.
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Deb Escher ha retuitejat
Kyle Stokes 2h
Many board members voicing sympathy and support for concerns of lunch/recess protesters.
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Deb Escher 2h
did the district clarify whether this is a NEW task force or the wellness task force SPS formed last year? We're unclear.
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Deb Escher 2h
district should take serious measures to provide stop-gap solutions during the audit period. We've offered our help.
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Deb Escher ha retuitejat
Natasha Chen 4h
One parent tells board a lot of food goes to the trash because kids don't have enough time to eat.
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Deb Escher 4h
that was me. This absolutely can't wait. Kids getting 4-6 min of seated lunch time is a child welfare issue!
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Deb Escher ha retuitejat
Natasha Chen 4h
Parent objecting to lunch/recess time said please act swiftly, bc we "cannot wait until 2015". SPS has said there will be 18-mth task force.
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Natasha Chen 4h
Garfield HS teacher (also parent of 5-yr-old) says playtime is actually a huge part of learning process.
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Natasha Chen 4h
This animated kid says recess prevents restlessness & talking in class. "I could go on talking about this ALL day."
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Natasha Chen 4h
Leschi student says recess this year is down to 20 min from 30 last year.
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Deb Escher ha retuitejat
Thomas Hobson 24h
Despite an overwhelming and ever-growing body of research proving that free play outdoors greatly improves...
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Deb Escher ha retuitejat
Thomas Hobson 24h
They Are Counting On Us To Fight For Them
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Jesse Hagopian 1d
Lunch & recess--eating & playing--R human rights & we will protest until every kid has equal access!
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Deb Escher 1d
! Schools Community Forum: Lunch/Recess Group To Rally Pre-Board Meeting
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Deb Escher 2d
remember to ! Ballot drop box at Library open until 8 p.m. tonight via
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