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Trumpism Is the New McCarthyism

Just as as McCarthyism did decades ago, Trumpism conceals the Republican Party’s long-term program to dismantle the public sector.

Ellen Schrecker

Middle East

How Mohammed bin Salman Has Transformed Saudi Arabia

In just a few years, the crown prince has seized unprecedented power and wealth, imposed brutal repression to silence critics, and furthered a reckless foreign policy.

Rosie Bsheer
War and Peace

Playing Donald Trump for Peace

How the Korean Peninsula could become a bright spot in a world gone mad.

John Feffer

How to Get Rid of the Super Rich

By leveraging the power of the public purse against corporations that pay their top execs outrageously more than their workers, we could help jumpstart a democratic ‘New Economy.’

Sam Pizzigati
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From the Magazine


The Trump Administration’s Dangerous Assault on Our Words

Language is disappearing from government documents before our eyes—and that’s no accident.

Karen J. Greenberg

Net Neutrality Just Became a Major Campaign Issue for 2018 and Beyond

A bipartisan vote in favor of digital democracy in the Senate signals that the fight for a free and open Internet is far from finished.

John Nichols

Who Is Responsible for the New US-Russian Cold War?

A discussion of the Stephen F. Cohen–Michael McFaul debate.

Stephen F. Cohen


The Child Labor in Zimbabwe’s Tobacco Fields

A global demand for tobacco is fueling this scourge.

Michelle Chen

Palestinians Engaged in Nonviolent Protest. Israel Responded With a Massacre.

The targeting of unarmed demonstrators by snipers using high-velocity weapons was methodical, precise, and lethal.

Sharif Abdel Kouddous

The Rise and Fall of the Latin American Left

Conservatives now control Latin America’s leading economies, but the region’s leftists can still look to Uruguay for direction.

Omar G. Encarnación

Watch and Listen

Listen: Black Women Athletes Under Jim Crow

Historian Amira Rose Davis joins the show to talk about black women athletes in the age of Jim Crow, before Title IX.

May 16, 2018

View: PHOTOS: These Students Are Sick and Tired of Gun Violence

“That could be me, my friends, my family.”

April 26, 2018

View: ‘A Border Control Official Sexually Abused Me’

Aura Hernández fled to the US seeking safety. Instead, she encountered threats, harassment, and assault.

April 2, 2018


The Magic of Denis Johnson

The Largesse of the Sea Maiden isn't exactly a sequel to Jesus’ Son, but it has the same breezy, epiphanic quality.

J. Robert Lennon

Rachel Carson, Jane Jacobs, Jane Goodall, and Alice Waters in the ’60s

They weren’t friends, and they weren’t all of the same generation, but they all shared a similar view of how we should relate to nature. 

Bill McKibben

The Progression of Flatbush Zombies

On Vacation in Hell, the group is more interested in expressing their political views and touching on subjects far beyond their roots in “psychedelic hip-hop.”

Steve Erickson


Take Action

Demand That Congress Hold Israel Accountable for the Massacre in Gaza

You can also get your friends to call their senators about net neutrality and join the Poor People’s Campaign.

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