21 May 2018

Long-time CIA asset named as FBI’s spy on Trump campaign

By Bill Van Auken, 21 May 2018

Stefan Halper has been named as the individual sent by the FBI to spy on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election campaign.

Democrats defend FBI following reports it spied on Trump's election campaign

The US political police and the 2016 elections

Police engaged in 25-minute shootout with Texas high school gunman

By Kate Randall, 21 May 2018

According to the Galveston County sheriff, it is unclear whether some of the Santa Fe High School victims were in fact shot by police officers responding to the shooting.

Ten killed in mass shooting at Texas high school

The social and political roots of mass shootings in America

Australian workers and youth defend Julian Assange

By our reporters, 21 May 2018

The support for Assange stands in stark contrast to the venomous hostility to the WikiLeaks editor from governments and the corporate media.

Germany’s Süddeutsche Zeitung fuels the campaign against Julian Assange

Funeral held for S. Milwaukee Caterpillar welder Steven Wade

By Jessica Goldstein, 21 May 2018

Family, friends and coworkers paid tribute to Steven Wade, a 60-year-old welder who died last week from injuries he suffered at Caterpillar’s South Milwaukee plant on May 10.

Caterpillar worker dies after being crushed at South Milwaukee plant

More on autoworkers struggles »

Teachers and public workers protest in South Carolina

By Hiram Lee, 21 May 2018

Workers held signs that read, “Teachers need to eat too!”, “My income won’t pay my student loans!”

South Carolina teachers to rally for better pay and funding for schools

More on US teachers »

Over 100,000 teachers march in Mexico, warn of “indefinite strike”

By Alex González, 21 May 2018

Spanning from the Yucatan peninsula to northern Mexico, the protests represent another expression of the international struggle by teachers in 2018.

US education secretary attacks separation of church and state

By Nancy Hanover, 21 May 2018

Betsy DeVos visits New York yeshivas to promote public financing of religious and private schools.

Inconclusive outcome of US-China trade talks

By Nick Beams, 21 May 2018

The vagueness of the final, brief communiqué, left the way open for both sides to offer their own interpretations on what had been agreed.

Sergei Skripal discharged from hospital

By Robert Stevens and Paul Bond, 21 May 2018

The entire narrative concocted by the British government has fallen apart, seam by seam.

Report exposes UK role in Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen

By Barry Mason, 21 May 2018

The US, UK and other western countries have supported the Saudi intervention. Like Saudi Arabia, they regard the war against the Houthis as a proxy conflict with Iran.

Persecution of refugees mounts after passage of French asylum law

By Athiyan Silva, 21 May 2018

WSWS reporters visited camps in Paris where 3,000 refugees, mostly youth born after the 1991 Iraq war, live in inhuman conditions.

Australia apartment owners to join legal action over flammable cladding

By Paul Bartizan, 21 May 2018

Despite last year’s Grenfell Tower disaster in Britain, Australian governments refuse to take any serious action to remove flammable cladding or stop its widespread use.

New in Norwegian

En konspirasjon for å skyve Julian Assange over i britiske og amerikanske hender

Mike Head, 21 May 2018

Guardian har iverksatt en råtten kampanje for å rettferdiggjøre at Ecuador tvinger Assange til å forlate landets ambassade.

Ecuador antyder at Julian Assange kan utleveres til Storbritannia og USA

James Cogan, 21 May 2018

Det er en nesten universell og forkastelig taushet fra organisasjoner og enkeltpersoner som en gang hevdet å forsvare Assange og WikiLeaks.

CIA-demokratene til rettssak mot Julian Assange

Patrick Martin, 21 May 2018

Søksmålet innlevert av DNC (Democratic National Committee - Det demokratiske partiets nasjonalkomite) er et angrep på Det første grunnlovstillegget som garanterer ytringsfrihet for enkeltpersoner og for pressen.

New in Turkish

Toplumsal Eşitlik'in İsrail'in Gazze'de Filistinlileri katletmesi ile ilgili açıklaması

Toplumsal Eşitlik, 21 Mayıs 2018

Toplumsal Eşitlik, İsrail askerlerinin Gazze'deki silahsız Filistinlilere yönelik katliamını mahkum eder ve aileleri 70 yıl önce Siyonist güçler tarafından zorla sürgüne gönderilmiş olan Filistinlilerin evlerine ve köylerine dönme hakkını desteklediğini yineler.

Polonyalı sosyalistlere yönelik baskıya karşı çıkın!

WSWS Yayın Kurulu, 21 Mayıs 2018

Polonya’daki solcu ve sosyalist yayınlara ve örgütlere yönelik zulme derhal son verilmesini talep ediyoruz.

Yaşlanan bir yalancı kapı kapı dolaşarak mal satıyor

David North, 21 Mayıs 2018

Steiner, tüm faydacılar gibi, kendi acil öznel ve hizipsel gereksinimleri olduğunu sezinlediği şeye uydurmak için, kendisininki dahil olmak üzere, tarihi çarpıtıyor.

Sri Lanka iç savaşının Tamillerin katledilmesiyle sona ermesinin dokuzuncu yılı

K. Nesan ve V. Gnana, 21 Mayıs 2018

Tamil Eelam Kurtuluş Kaplanları’nın katledilmesi, Sri Lanka’daki (Sinhala, Tamil ve Müslüman) ve tüm dünyadaki milyonlarca işçi tarafından nefretle hatırlanıyor.

Malezya seçimleri: Güneydoğu Asya’da siyasi bir sarsıntı

John Roberts, 21 Mayıs 2018

ABD emperyalizminin Çin ile gerilimleri tırmandırdıkça, Malezya'nın ve Asya’daki her bir ülkenin egemen sınıfı hangi güç ile işbirliği içine gireceğini seçmeye zorlanıyor.

New in Spanish

Google, los asesinatos con drones y el complejo militar, de inteligencia y censura

Por Andre Damon, 21 mayo 2018

La publicación esta semana de una carta abierta de investigadores líderes en la tecnología protestando la participación de Google en asesinatos con drones expone la estrecha alianza entre las gigantes corporaciones tecnológicas y el complejo militar y de inteligencia de EUA.

Estados Unidos planea detener a menores en bases militares y Trump llama a los inmigrantes “animales”

Por Bill Van Auken, 21 mayo 2018

Una nueva política migratoria resultará en decenas de miles de niños separados de sus padres y enviados a centros de detención.

Los demócratas defienden al FBI después de que se informara que espió sobre la campaña electoral de Trump

Por Barry Grey, 21 mayo 2018

La respuesta demócrata ha sido ir corriendo a defender al FBI y declarar su apoyo sin reservas a sus operaciones, así como las de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia.

El Movimiento Cinco Estrellas y la Lega dan a conocer un acuerdo de coalición para formar un gobierno italiano de derechas

Por Marianne Arens, 21 mayo 2018

El movimiento de protesta de los ultraderechistas y Beppe Grillo pretenden deportar a medio millón de inmigrantes y eliminar decenas de miles de empleos públicos.

New in French

Dix morts dans une fusillade dans un lycée au Texas

Trévon Austin, 21 mai 2018

La fréquence horrible des fusillades de masse aux Etats-Unis indique une société malade, associant des niveaux extrêmes d’aliénation sociale à la promotion sans fin de militarisme par la classe dirigeante

Google, les meurtres par drones, et le complexe réunissant l’armée, les renseignements et la censure

Andre Damon, 21 mai 2018

La publication de la lettre ouverte de cette semaine par d’éminents universitaires de la technologie protestant contre le rôle de Google dans les meurtres par drones met en lumière le partenariat entre les géants de la technologie et le complexe militaire-renseignements américain.

Déclaration des partisans turcs du CIQI sur le massacre israélien des Palestiniens à Gaza

Toplumsal Eşitlik, 21 mai 2018

Le groupe Toplumsal Eşitlik (Égalité sociale) condamne le massacre perpétré par les troupes israéliennes, ainsi que les tentatives cyniques du gouvernement turc de se poser en défenseurs du peuple palestinien.

Le Premier mai 2018 et le bicentenaire de la naissance de Karl Marx

David North, 21 mai 2018

Samedi 5 mai, David North, président du comité de rédaction international du WSWS et président national du Parti de l’égalité socialiste (États-Unis), a prononcé un discours sur l’importance historique, 200 ans après sa naissance, de Karl Marx, le fondateur du socialisme scientifique. Au cours de la semaine prochaine, le WSWS publiera les 14 autres discours prononcés au rassemblement.

New in German

Militarismus und Faschismus im deutschen Bundestag

Johannes Stern, 21. Mai 2018

Die Generaldebatte am Mittwoch und Donnerstag im Bundestag warf ein Schlaglicht auf gefährliche Entwicklungen in Deutschland.

Google, Drohnenmord und der Komplex aus Militär, Geheimdiensten und Zensur

Andre Damon, 21. Mai 2018

Die Veröffentlichung eines offenen Briefes in dieser Woche, mit dem führende Technologie-Wissenschaftler gegen Googles Rolle im Drohnenmordprogramm protestieren, zeigt die enge Partnerschaft zwischen den großen Technologieriesen und dem Komplex aus Militär und Geheimdiensten in den USA.

Erklärung der türkischen IKVI-Anhänger zum israelischen Massaker an den Palästinensern im Gazastreifen

Toplumsal Eşitlik (Soziale Gleichheit), 21. Mai 2018

Die Gruppe Toplumsal Eşitlik (Soziale Gleichheit) verurteilt das Massaker israelischer Truppen und den zynischen Versuch der türkischen Regierung, sich als Verteidiger der Palästinenser darzustellen.

Griechenland: Syriza-Regierung verschärft Unterdrückung von Flüchtlingen und Asylsuchenden

John Vassilopoulos, 21. Mai 2018

Die Tsipras-Regierung, die Tausende Flüchtlinge in Konzentrationslagern einsperren lässt, agiert als Gefängniswärter der EU.

Other Languages


Wealth-X report shows billionaires gained $1.8 trillion in 2017

21 May 2018

The social needs of the working class can be met and its democratic rights defended only by expropriating the wealth of the super-rich.

Earlier Perspectives »

May Day 2018 International Online Rally

May Day 2018 and the bicentenary of the birth of Karl Marx

By David North, 6 May 2018

Opening the ICFI’s International Online Rally on Saturday, May 5, David North, chairman of the international editorial board of the WSWS and national chairman of the Socialist Equality Party (US), spoke on the historical significance of Karl Marx, the founder of scientific socialism, 200 years after his birth.

Trotskyism is the Marxism of the 21st Century

By Joseph Kishore, 7 May 2018

May Day 2018

By Joseph Kishore and David North, 1 May 2018

Arts Review

#MeToo at the Cannes Film Festival: All about money and power

By Stefan Steinberg, 21 May 2018

An examination of recent movies by prominent women filmmakers reveals that they share the problems of their male counterparts.

Music streaming service Spotify initiates censorship against R. Kelly and XXXTentacion

By Zac Corrigan, 19 May 2018

Billy Wilder’s Sunset Boulevard: The cruelty of the motion picture business

By Joanne Laurier, 18 May 2018

25 years ago: Eritrea wins independence from Ethiopia after 30-year civil war

On May 24, 1993, Eritrea was declared an independent and sovereign republic. Four days later the new country was admitted to the United Nations.

More »

50 years ago: De Gaulle makes television appeal for end to French general strike

On May 24, 1968, French President Charles de Gaulle appeared on national television to plead for an end to the general strike by 10,000,000 workers, the largest and most widespread walkout in world history.

More »

75 years ago: The Stalinist bureaucracy dissolves the Comintern

On May 22, 1943, the ruling bureaucracy in the Soviet Union, headed by Joseph Stalin, formally dissolved the Communist International (Comintern).

More »


100 years ago: The Democratic Republic of Georgia is established under Menshevik rule

On May 26, 1918, the republic of Georgia declared its independence, coinciding with the dissolution of the Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic.

More »


An aging liar peddles his wares

By David North, 17 May 2018

Google, drone murder and the military-intelligence-censorship complex

By Andre Damon, 19 May 2018

Academics protest Google’s role in drone murder

Britain’s royal wedding: Recasting the monarchy in the age of identity politics

By Paul Mitchell, 19 May 2018

Statement of the Turkish supporters of the ICFI on the Israeli massacre of Palestinians in Gaza

By Toplumsal Eşitlik, 19 May 2018

Oppose the repression of Polish socialists!

By the WSWS Editorial Board, 18 May 2018

New Statesman’s Paul Mason advocates for regime change in Russia

By Thomas Scripps, 18 May 2018

New in Urdu

Urdu translation of WSWS Perspective on bicentenary of Marx’s birth

We are pleased to publish the Urdu translation of the perspective written by WSWS Chairman David North, “The bicentenary of Marx’s birth, socialism and the resurgence of the international class struggle.”

The Grenfell Tower Fire

UK: Tories seek to defuse anger over Grenfell fire ahead of official public inquiry

By Robert Stevens, 18 May 2018

More on the Grenfell Tower fire »

Organizing Resistance to Internet Censorship

UK meetings against war, lies and censorship: Free Julian Assange!

Meeting in Brisbane May 20: Organise Resistance to Internet Censorship! Free Julian Assange!

Spain: Facebook to install its “Ministry of Truth” in Barcelona

By Alejandro López, 14 May 2018

For an international coalition to fight Internet censorship
An open letter from the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site to socialist, anti-war, left-wing and progressive websites, organizations and activists

23 January 2018

More on Internet censorship »

SEP 2018 Election Campaign

Oppose the slaughter of Palestinians! Oppose imperialist war!

By David Moore—SEP candidate for Senate in California, 17 May 2018

The Democratic senator from California, Dianne Feinstein, has a long record of support for the Israeli government’s war crimes.

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

Over 100 attend IYSSE meeting at Ruhr-University Bochum in Germany

By our correspondents, 14 May 2018


Study finds alarming decline in biodiversity worldwide

By Philip Guelpa, 14 May 2018

New in Arabic


Internet Censorship and Workers' Struggles

Facebook censors Arizona educators’ rank-and-file committee group

By Jerry White, 7 May 2018

Facebook has disabled the Arizona Educators Rank and File Committee group, which provided a forum for teachers to oppose the betrayal of their struggles by the unions.

Mehring Books

Mehring Books publishes The CIA Democrats

7 April 2018

Mehring Books has published The CIA Democrats, a detailed exposure of the effective takeover of the 2018 Democratic Party congressional campaign by candidates drawn from the ranks of former intelligence agents, special forces operatives, veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and civilian national security operatives from the State Department, National Security Council and Pentagon.

WSWS 20th Anniversary

Twenty years of the World Socialist Web Site: 1998–2018

By David North and Joseph Kishore, 14 February 2018

As the WSWS marks its 20th anniversary of daily posting, it is taking the lead in exposing the conspiracy by governments and corporations to censor the Internet as the ruling class prepares for war and domestic repression.


Lenin, Trotsky and the Marxism of the October Revolution

By David North, 19 March 2018

David North, chairperson of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site and of the Socialist Equality Party (US), delivered this lecture at the University of Leipzig on March 16.