How the Alt-Right Formed: The Right’s Thoughts From 2013

The following is from a book I’m working on: Rad-Trad, Meet Alt-Right.  It is a work that will discuss how the Alt-Right formed, what it was, and what it has become.  This particular passage is from a section that discusses what went through the mind of the Right in the year 2013, three years before President Trump was elected.  

It’s an ambitious book for me, but I think it could potentially be a useful book for public discourse on this subject.  

It’s a first draft.  But I thought I’d share it with y’all.  

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2013: Gun Control, Run Away Government, Culture Rot

At the beginning of 2013, the Left’s agenda became desperate and hysterical, as they continued to talk about their pet project of gun control. A Connecticut elementary school shooting by a mentally unstable boy fueled this mania. This event, the Sandy Hook shooting, inspired Senator Feinstein to introduce a bill that would stop the sale, transfer, importation, and manufacturing of military-style assault weapons. Outraged citizens took to the phones in protest, shouting down their elected officials from taking action against the Second Amendment.

While the mainstream media was locked in their biased narrative on the gun control issue, the very talk of gun control drew attention onto another fact: the problem in many people’s eyes was not gun ownership at all.  Rather, there was clearly a problem with race in the United States. Race issues were getting far worse, but the media continued to blame gun owners during this period. “Gun crime” sloganeering was a tactic used to cover up minority crimes against whites on a weekly basis.

When compared to Europe, U.S. gun death rates were high. Yet the fact was that the U.S. population was at least five times higher than even the largest European countries, not to mention that unlike European countries, the US was almost 30 percent non-white. This was a stark difference repeatedly overlooked in the media when it came to the gun control debate. Furthermore, violent countries in Latin America, South America, and Africa had higher incidences of gun crime than the United States–even though less of their populations actually owned firearms. It became clear that gun deaths were a phenomenon that was split among racial and cultural lines. Whites did not commit as much gun crime as Latin Americans and Africans, and the latter was responsible for most of the gun crime in the United States.

Some circles of thinkers talked about secession that year. Not only was illegal immigration an established concern for most people, but even legal immigration troubled their minds. Westerners in both America and Europe were realizing that a diverse population of people in close proximity to one another would mean local chaos and a breakdown of the community.  This realization was worldwide.  In Greece, the rise of nationalist party Golden Dawn drew a lot of attention, and Catalonia in Spain was moving closer in their attempt to claim independence.  Belgium and Scotland were both considering pulling out of the European Union. The West was swept up with secession fever.

However, globalist elites in power did their utmost to crack down on the rising tide of nationalists whenever they cropped up. Mainstream Spain played off the Catalonia issue as though it was nothing. Government wiretaps on the American public continued, and President Obama’s boldness as president only made racial tensions increase in the United States.

Meanwhile, in Republican circles, there was a disconnect between the nation’s national leaders and the populace. The neoconservative Republican Party sensibility favored military intervention everywhere, and the hunger for more war by Congress’ Republicans only helped to prop up Obama as more of a dictator than ever before. The U.S. government was controlled by a bi-factional ruling party that was channeling more power into the executive branch.

Government borrowing was reaching epic proportions. Credit was not going up. The government kept printing money as central bankers lost faith that they could stimulate the economy. House Republicans, once more, had given in on the U.S. budget, capitulating and agreeing to a two-year budget deal that put off dealing with unsustainable fiscal problems until the presidential primaries in 2015. A last-minute fiscal cliff deal between congressional leaders and President Obama cut only $15 billion in spending, as tax revenue was increased by $620 billion.  This all occurred under the House Republican leadership of John Boehner and Eric Kantor two men who neither represented the Tea Party, nor any constituent voter of the Republican Party. Everything coming out of the Right for the past 11 years seemed like a failure, ever since George W. Bush first took office.

The Left was ready to trash the Constitution for their agenda, but the Republican Right was “out to lunch.” Generation X and the Millennials began to point fingers at the ineffectual policies of their Baby Boomer progenitors, the latter being blamed for getting the country into the horrible mess that it was in. The older Boomer generation was seen as responsible for shackling the nation with debt and paving the way for latter generations to pay for Boomer retirement. Baby Boomers, in turn, expressed their resentment towards the younger generations who now hated them.

Meanwhile, cultural rot continued its spread to other sectors. The word “diversity” had come to mean “conformity,” and having an individual voice in a liberal society at this point would cause you to lose your job, particularly in academia and the tech industry. In the universities, as corrupt scientists were admitting to following financial incentives to reach politically-correct project conclusions, language policing began across campuses and in companies. To get a “gender” wrong in conversation and deliberately use the wrong pronoun became a fireable offense in some companies for the first time. American society was going so mad, that there was even an incident in which a teacher hired a gang member to assault the principal because of a disagreement. Incidents of cougar teachers sleeping with underage school boys was on the rise.

Society was becoming thuggish and emotional. But various thinkers on the Right were learning how to cope with this crisis. Being nicer and less intense was not going to effectively win people over. In fact, using any kind of a dialectic with most people was impossible, as most people were rhetorically-minded. The mass populace was illogical and nonsensical, and only rhetoric would either convince or compel anyone towards a different, unpredictable reaction.  Going against what was proper and acceptable and utilizing rhetoric was preferable to being misunderstood, played down, and ignored by a majority of society who could not process a thought-out conversation.

Political correctness had dumbed everyone down.  A large portion of the American populace could not tolerate “hate facts.”  There was a vacuum of thought in the public mind.  As a result, resistance to mainstream ignorance was slowly building up.  There was an enormous amount of discontent among Americans by the end of that year.


2 Comments on “How the Alt-Right Formed: The Right’s Thoughts From 2013”

  1. Why is the role of “corrupt Mainstream Media” not mentioned? Why have their crimes been excluded? Overall, the summary is bland and not complete as if, written by a liberal. To blame baby boomers for democrat’s greedy pillaging of the Fed and increasing national debt for future generations, Obama and Clinton’s government crimes and destruction … ?! What can I say. Byproducts of lying and deceitful MSM – perhaps?

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