Mailing List

Call us old-fashioned, but here at Spanner HQ our email updates are still our favourite means of communication with one's people. Frankly, we're just too long-winded to embrace our Twitter and Facebook accounts any more than tokenistically.

What sort of messages? Chatty. Very chatty. And highly detailed and painfully honest and, so we're told, often very funny. We're going to put the archive up here as soon as Nick can work out how to do it. But in the meantime, you can read the latest message here or some excerpts on the right of this page.

How many people are on the list? After studying our How To Be A Proper Grown-Up Business manual, we now understand that this kind of top secret corporate information should never be revealed. But it's more than 25,000 and less than 250,000.

We'd love to encourage you to sign up by telling you how often you'll receive messages, but it's a bit more haphazard than that. Basically, Franny writes one whenever she has something interesting to say or the mood to impart strikes her. The highest ever frequency was in the last week before the Global Premiere, when the poor subscribers' inboxes were being visited nearly every day - and the lowest was in summer 2010, when it was down to less than once a month.

Convinced?  Send an email to

Had enough? Unsubscribe  by clicking on the link at the bottom of every message or by sending an email to: with UNSUBSCRIBE in the mailing list and we'll take you off manually.

PS. Sorry, but you can't post to the list, as it would be utterly annoying for the subscribers to receive random stuff.