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Archive of the Working Class History podcast. History isn't made by kings and politicians, it's made by all of us. This podcast is about how we, together, have fought for a better world...

Rent strikers in Hamilton, Ontario were not intimidated when corporate suits showed up at their door demanding rent.

After years of falling wages and worsening working conditions are we now seeing a new shape to the working class?

IWW strikers in Paterson

Podcast episode about the early history of the Industrial Workers of the World union in the United States, 1905-1918. In conversation with Peter Cole, coeditor of the new book Wobblies of the...


Trans liberation is revolution

Red and Black Leeds on the limitations of both gender essentialism and sex essentialism as a way to understand gender expression and identity.



A short account of the circus clown duo Bim-Bom and their encounter with the Cheka in revolutionary Russia.