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Spring Fund Drive: Keep CounterPunch Afloat
CounterPunch is a lifeboat of sanity in today’s turbulent political seas. Please make a tax-deductible donation and help us continue to fight Trump and his enablers on both sides of the aisle. Every dollar counts!

The Donald, Vlad, and Bibi

Since at least 1945, the United States has only fought stupid wars.  Some have been stupider than others, but, with varying degrees of enthusiasm, Democrats and Republicans have supported them all.  If Trump does get an Iran War going, count on bipartisan support for it too, though, for sheer stupidity, it would rival and perhaps even exceed the Kennedy-Johnson-Nixon war against Vietnam. More

How Long Will We Pretend Palestinians Aren’t People?

Monstrous. Frightful. Wicked. It’s strange how the words just run out in the Middle East today. Sixty Palestinians dead. In one day. Two thousand four hundred wounded, more than half by live fire. In one day. The figures are an outrage, a turning away from morality, a disgrace for any army to create. More

Wild at Heart: Keeping Up With Margie Kidder

“Never, Margot. It’s Margaret. Margie to my friends.” Thus was I admonished early in our penpal relationship. She signed that note back in Bush-time, “Margie.” But there would be moments, years later, when she’d call up well after midnight (she was a creature of the night) and speak sternly into the answering machine (I’m a More

Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

Just in Time for the New Cold War, New Nuclear Weapons!

John LaForge provides a field guide to the US’s nuclear arsenal. A Writer Who Shook the World: P. Sainath on John Reed and the Russian Revolution. Who’s Afraid of AMLO: Mexico’s Big Elections by Kent Paterson; The President and the Porn Star by Ruth Fowler; The FBI at Work by Paul Krassner; Back to Trickle-Down Economics by Pete Dolack; The Working Poor by Daniel Raventos and Julie Wark; 1968: the Year of Youth by Laura Carlsen; Badge of Impunity by Jeffrey St. Clair; MSNBC’s Progressive Bot-ulism by Chris Floyd; Appalachia, Say You Will by Lee Ballinger; Through the Eyes of Steven Soderbergh by Ed Leer

This Week on CounterPunch Radio

  • HOST: Eric Draitsercpradio-podcast
  • GUEST: Yassamine Mather
  • TOPICS: Iran, ISIS and the latest developments in Iran and the Middle East.

CounterPunch Spring Fund Drive

Dear CounterPunchers: We are holding a short Spring fund drive, which we have never had to do before, because the price of running the site is growing fast. With our increased readership (which is a good thing!) our bandwidth and web costs have gone up substantially in the past few years. So, if you can spare a few extra dollars this month, we’d greatly appreciate the support.

Make a Tax-Deductible Donation Today!
