The Northeastern Anarchist: Anti-War Supplementary Out Now!

The Northeastern Anarchist

Special Anti-War Supplement

Fight The Real Enemy... NO WAR BUT THE CLASS WAR!In response to US-led imperial conquest currently taking place in Iraq (which, in sick irony has been dubbed "Operation Iraqi Freedom") those of us from the Northeastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists (NEFAC) have published a special anti-war edition of 'The Northeastern Anarchist'.

Anti-War Analysis

  • Anarchists Against The War, by Open City Anarchist Collective (NEFAC-NYC)
  • Is Uncle Sam About To Get Caught - Btween Iraq And A Hard Place: An Anti-State Communist Perspective On The War, by Angyal Istvan
  • Oil And Imperialism, by Project Underground
  • Women And War, Patricia Hynes (Z Net)

Revolutionary History

No War But Class War

Movement Strategy


This issue is NOT available from our usual distributors, and we will not accept bulk orders (sorry). To get a copy, send $2ppd ($3 Canadian) to:

The Northeastern Anarchist
PO Box 230685 Boston, MA 02123, USA