Northeastern Anarchist #1


  • Revolutionary Anarchism and the Anti-Globalization Movement, by Lucien van der Walt (Bikisha Media Collective)
  • Anarchy in Our Lifetime: Black Blocs, Property Destruction and Anarchist Tactics, by Chuck0 (Mid-Atlantic Infoshop)
  • A Short History of Anarchist Organization (part 1): From the 'International' to the First World War, by Nicolas Phebus (Groupe-Anarchiste Emile-Henry)
  • Peter Kropotkin's Anarchist Political Economy, by Jon Bekken (Anarcho-Syndicalist Review)

News From The Northeast

  • Building the Resistance to the FTAA and Summit of the Americas; Protesting the Presidential Inauguration; Montreal G20 Meeting Greeted by Angry Demonstrations; New England Anarchist Bookfair; Boston's October 3rd Demonstrations Against the Presidential Debates; NYC Anarchist Resurgence; Protest, Political Repression and the 'Timoney 3'; Anarchy in Mobtown; Long Island ELF Actions; Political Prisoner Jaan Laaman Transferred to Walpole State Prison; Institute for Social Ecology; Montreal Anarchist Bookfair

International News

  • Extensive Coverage of Prague S26; Korean ASEM Protests; Anti-Haider Riots in Austria; Trans-Atlantic Business Dialog Demonstrations; Zimbabwe Food Riots; Czech Anti-Fascists; Squat Eviction in Amsterdam; General Strike in Argentina; Turkish Prisoners' Hunger Strike; Protesters Clash with
    Neo-Nazis in Milan; Fortress Europe Beseiged in Nice; 'Chattanooga 3'; French FTP Trials; Afghan Women Riot; Anti-Klan Rally; Ladronka Evicted; Anarchist People of Color Caucus; Zapatistas; Spanish Anarcho-Syndicalist Murdered; Indian Dam Protests; and much more...