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Jorge E. Contreras May 9
I am delighted to announce that I have been promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure, effective July 1st. Many thanks to my lab (current and past members) and all those who supported my promotion!!!
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#TenureTrackHustle 5h
Trying to squeeze in a few interviews this week and next about Black women's social media use in graduate school and . Who wants to chat with me? I'll send you my informed consent form.
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Sarah Burton 11h
A journal I review for emailed me on Saturday asking me if I could do a peer review and have just now sent me a reminder. DUDES: Saturdays and Sundays are not work days. You cannot possibly be calling me tardy for that.
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Jonathan Hsy 2h
In my experience “How can I help?” is not a question that administrators ask very often. Librarians do, though
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Nadia Bernaz 16h
It is writing season for us academics and it often comes with lots anxiety. Useful tips in this short review of "Write No Matter What" by Jolie Jensen
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Transplant Evidence May 9
Evidence in transplantation - the CET at
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Elizabeth Boyle May 13
In , the less you need financial help, the more you are offered it. I can afford to make my own way to conferences now but am usually offered all expenses paid. A central philanthropic fund into which established academics could donate travel expenses & from which... 1/2
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Jonathan Hsy May 8
Lol if I could count emotional labor on my annual report my productivity would be THROUGH THE ROOF this year.
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trustmeimadr🐈🍦🎓 May 11
I hate and I hate even more that I can't let this certain review go. I didn't deserve that, I know who wrote it. I caught her cheating and reported. This is her revenge.
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Dan Jones May 9
Overheard at a meeting during introductions: Junior researcher: "My name is X, I work on ocean models." Junior researcher: "My name is Y, I work on atmospheric data." Senior researcher: "My name is Z, I work on 'track changes' in Word..."
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Evan Smith May 7
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Leo N Mahachi May 10
My second degree has been conferred. Ladies and gentlemen, I graduated CUM LAUDE in MSc Agriculture: Animal Science. Thanks to my supervisors, Prof , Prof Hoffman, Dr Rudman and Dr Arnaud. I had good guidance!
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Kate Fox May 11
My daughter's basketball team won 60-0. Last year they lost 0-50. All the girls supported the other team as they recalled what it was like to be that junior team. Lessons can be transferred to when we succeed we need to remember that others are not enjoying missing out
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Julien Jourdan May 4
"Dear Professor: It's 10:30pm Friday night. Page proofs of your paper (...) scheduled to appear in an upcoming issue of (...) are attached. Send corrected page proofs within 48 hours of receipt. Oh, and if you have a life, we don't really care."
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Dr. Chandra Osborn May 11
Exactly 2 yrs ago, I met the team for the 1st time in NYC. Captivated, I left & joined this . What a humbling, challenging, & inspiring journey it’s been. The professional & personal lessons are too many to count. Buy me 🥃🍷🍺 & I may share.😉
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Thomas  "Make America Nazi-free Again" Lecaque May 7
If your have to lie to you about why they missed your class that's on you and the kind of environment you create in your classrooms. Just a PSA,
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Marco Mello May 4
Since yesterday I'm officially a professor of ecology at the University of São Paulo! Words cannot express how grateful I am for this amazing opportunity!
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Steven Nelson 2h
If you really don't want that senior scholar in your field knowing that it was you who sent in the bitchy peer review of her essay then you probably shouldn't brag on your page about having written it.
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Jamie Smith May 11
When you're marking work and, as part of a puzzle game's easter egg, you are credited with a message that reads like this...
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Academic Grumbles May 11
😒: when you spend ages preparing for a and nobody reads them.
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